Career HQ® Services
Student Employment
Tarrant County College Trivia
Choosing a Major
Careers Before They Were Famous

This is where Career Services is CURRENTLY located.

What is the Student Center, SSTU 1102A


This is the place where students get information about employment opportunities.

What is the Office of  Career Services?


This is the name of the TCC mascot, a trailblazer.

Who is Toro?


There are over 19 of these to choose from at SU.

What are academic majors?

This Punk'd star once pursued a degree in Biochemical Engineering at the University of Iowa.
Who is Ashton Kutcher?

This is our most popular service.

What is a resume review?


This is the amount of credits a student must be enrolled in each fall/spring semester to be eligible for employment.

What is six credit hours?


The former name of Tarrant County College.

What is Tarrant County Junior College?

There is a special section of this class just for first-year students who are still choosing a major.
What is First Year Seminar?
This former back-up singer for Michael Jackson (now a successful singer) once was an elementary teacher in St. Louis, Missouri.
Who is Sheryl Crow?

This service is available as our 24/7 Online service for off-campus jobs. 

What is College Central Network


3 credit hours.

How many hours are usually required to be eligible to work during each summer session?


These colors are the official colors of Tarrant County.

What are Navy, Teal, Burgundy and Tan?

In this office, you can make an appointment to take personality tests that can reveal possible career/major choices for you.
What is the Career Services Office?
This Dean had a decorated military career before coming to work at SU.
Who is Dr. Shelton Rhodes, Dean of the School of Business and Leadership?

This service allows students to interview with employers on campus.

What is On-Campus Recruiting?


A paid, working no more than 19.5 hours per week at Tarrant County College.

What is an on-campus student employment position?


In this year, South Campus was the first campus in Tarrant County.

When was 1967?

This major allows a student to blend two separate academic disciplines together into one major.
What is Interdisciplinary Studies?
Before this rapper/actor found success with Dr. Dre and Eazy-E in N.W.A., he earned a degree in Architectural Drafting from the Phoenix Institute of Technology.
Who is Ice Cube?

These are free of charge to students.

What are all services provided by Career Services?


Here you can search for both on-campus student employee positions.

What is Hiring Connections?


Daniel Lufkin holds this position at TCC South Campus.

What is the Campus President?

There is a partnership with this office and the Career Services Office that helps deciding students choose a major and career path.
What is the Office of Academic Support Services?
This well-known television journalist's first job was a desk assistant at ABC.
Who is Katie Couric?