Career Services Can
Services & Events
Purple Briefcase
Purple Briefcase cont.
Social Media & Online Resources
Place(s) to find resume writing resources.
What is Purple Briefcase or in the Career Services office B201.
Ways to practice interviewing.
What is complete a virtual mock interview in Purple Briefcase or schedule a mock interview with Career Services.
GCC's online system where jobs are posted.
What is Purple Briefcase.
People who can see your profile in Purple Briefcase once made public.
Who are employers.
A professional social networking site where you can make a visual resume and connect with others.
What is Linkedin?
The best way to learn more about a specific career.
What is Job Shadowing OR Informational Interviewing.
Ways to register for an event held by the Career Services office.
What is Purple Briefcase or in person at B201.
The number of jobs posted in Purple Briefcase.
What is 298 (accept any number between 280-300).
Number of companies are listed in Purple Briefcase.
What is 555 (accept any number between 500-600).
GCC’s Career Services Snapchat username
What is GCCcareer
The types of information can you find in the Occupation Outlook Handbook
What is Information regarding specific careers: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, Technology, Job Outlook, Salary, Educational Requirements, Similar Occupations.
2 (of many) events that the Career Services office has hosted or will host.
What is Health Career & Transfer Fair, Nursing Job & Transfer Fair, Annual Job Fair, Internship Fair, Resume & Cover Letter Workshops, Interviewing Workshop, Job Search Workshop, Cougar Connect Speed Networking, Cougar Connect Pizza & Paint Night, Career Mobiles.
How to create a Purple Briefcase account.
What is go to Career Services webpage and click on the banner (
How you can can you view websites used to search civil service positions.
What is “my links” in Purple Briefcase.
What is a website that can provide you interview questions that others have been asked for specific job titles.
Ways to request to have your resume, cover letters, and application materials reviewed.
What is email Jamie/Career Services, schedule an appointment, or walk into B201 (If someone is available).
3 (of many)services offered through Career Services.
What is Resume Writing, Cover Letter Writing, Job Search Strategies, Interviewing Skills, Career Fairs, Internship Fair, Workshops, On-campus Recruitment, Cougar Connect (mentor program).
Type(s) of information you would put in your profile in Purple Briefcase.
What is a virtual resume (photo, education, experience, activities skills, job preferences, etc.).
Discussion boards with all users of Purple Briefcase
What is the “career chats” feature in Purple Briefcase.
What is a site that will give you employers by major in a specific city/town.
The way to schedule an appointment with Career Services.
What is call 345-6888, email, or stop into B201.
Ways to find out what services or events Career Services offers.
What is check the website, look at flyers posted around campus, stop by B201 and ask.
A way to learn what to do with your major.
What is access the website listed in Purple Briefcase (
A video database of career related topic videos.
What is the ”my channels” feature in Purple Briefcase?
The O*NET Interest Profiler.
What is a self-assessment that asks 60 questions based on your interests and gives you career options that match them.