Job Skills
Interview Etiquette
To Degree or Not to Degree
Mystery Questions

The ability to be able to interact and socialize with others

What are communication skills? 


This is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials, and accomplishments needed to apply for a job 

What is a resume? 


Why the amount of education you need to be a doctor is important? How many years needed?

What is knowing the ins and outs of saving people's lives?  a four-year undergraduate program, along with four years in medical school and three to seven years in a residency program to learn the specialty they chose to pursue. Total of 11 or more


Truck driver 

No formal education needed, however you need to obtain a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) 


Why it is important to learn the work fundamentals. Everyone has to start somewhere.

What is working an entry level position?


The ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work; Includes arriving to work on time, prioritizing, and organizing 

What is time management? 


These are current or former supervisors, faculty mentors, campus staff or advisers, coaches or anyone in a professional position who can speak about your character, skills and work ethic. 

What are references?


Name the school to go to when you want to learn a trade and do not want to go to school for long such as a hairdresser or a chef. 

What is a community college? 



Yes, you can be self-taught or learn by experience, however, there are culinary schools you can attend to obtain a degree or certificate(which we recommend) 


Should you choose a job/career based on how much money it makes? Yes or no, and why? 

NO! Money doesn't equal happiness! Focus on your talents and what you enjoy doing! When you do something you love, you won't work a day in your life! 


The willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common goal

What is teamwork? 


The name of an event that happens when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person.

What is the first impression?


This career cluster and career uses human to human support and helps people feel better by listening and giving growth mindset ideas.

What is a Human Services and counselor?



You can become a welder without formal education-however to become certified you need to have the education. You can get a one-year certificate or a two-year degree. More education equals more opportunities. 


The reason why volunteering and job training is important.

What is experience for a resume? 


The quality of being trustworthy and reliable; Includes keeping your word, being honest, and being consistent

What is dependability? 


Tank-top, open-toed shoes, torn jeans, wife beater, clothes with designs or images, wrinkled clothes, mini-skirts, saggy jeans, hats/caps, booty shorts, low-cut shirts

What is inappropriate dress to an interview? 


These professionals assess the financial needs of individuals and help them with decisions on investments (such as stocks and bonds), tax laws, and insurance. They work in a bank. Name the job and career cluster.

What is a finance career cluster and a financial advisor? They require a Bachelor's Degree. 


School counselor

You need at least 5-6 years of college. You need a Bachelor's Degree, plus 1 or 2 more years of college.


The name of programs that can support you and help you if you apply right away to use after the Young Adult Program is completed? Name 2

What is Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Disabilities, Social Security, Medicaid, Parent Training and Information (PTI) Easter Seals? 


The ability to judge what needs to be done and take action, esp. without suggestion from other people

What is initiative? 


This is something you may want to do before you interview; it will give you a better idea about the company or job, help you discover details about the employer, help you learn what the company looks for in a candidate, and become a stand-out applicant 

What is research? 


The education title for a 2 year degree and a 4 year degree.

What is an associate's and bachelor's degree?


Software developer

Yes! Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field 


A process to go through when you want to hand your resume' to many businesses at one location.

What is a career fair?