Career Pathways
Job Market
Education and Careers

What term is used to describe a person's sequence of occupations, jobs, and career pursuits throughout their life?

Career trajectory or career path.


What is the term for the skills and abilities that make a person suitable for a particular job?

Qualifications or skill set.


This professional networking platform is widely used for career development and job searching. What is its name?



What does the acronym "STEM" stand for in the context of education and careers?

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.


"I'm a modern-day wizard who writes spells in a language only computers understand. What magical job am I?"

Software Developer


Name two different types of careers within the field of healthcare.

 Nurse, physician, radiologist, pharmacist, etc.


Define the term "unemployment rate" and explain its importance in assessing the health of an economy.

The percentage of unemployed individuals in the labor force; it reflects the health of the job market.


Define the term "networking" in the context of career development.

The process of making and using contacts for career advancement.


Name two benefits of pursuing higher education in relation to career opportunities.

ncreased job opportunities, higher earning potential, and a broader skill set.


"With a palette as my wand, I create visual symphonies that dance off canvases. What is my enchanting profession?"

Artist or Painter


In the context of careers, what does the acronym "CEO" stand for?

Chief Executive Officer.


Name two factors that can influence changes in the job market.

 Economic conditions, technological advancements, globalization, etc.


Name two benefits of building a professional network.

Opportunities for mentorship, job referrals, and gaining industry insights.


How can informational interviews contribute to career exploration?

Informational interviews involve talking to professionals in a field to gather insights and advice.


"I'm a professional puzzle solver, connecting dots and uncovering secrets in the world of crime. What's my mysterious job?"

 Detective or Investigator


Identify two STEM careers

software engineer, biomedical scientist, data analyst, etc.


What role do internships play in preparing individuals for the job market?

Internships provide practical, hands-on experience and exposure to a specific industry.


What term refers to the practice of meeting with a professional in your field of interest to gain insights into their career, industry, and to seek advice?

Informational Interview


Explain the difference between a vocational school and a traditional four-year college.

Vocational schools focus on practical skills for specific trades, while traditional colleges offer a broader education.


"I orchestrate a symphony of flavors in the culinary arena, turning ingredients into gastronomic poetry. What's my tasteful profession?"

Chef or Culinary Artist


What term describes the process of exploring and considering various career options before making a commitment to a particular one?

Career Exploration


What term is used for the skills that are not about what you know but about how you work with others, like being a good teammate or solving problems together?

Soft Skills


How can social media be effectively utilized for professional networking?

By connecting with professionals in their field, participating in industry-related groups, and sharing relevant content.


Name one resource or tool that students can use to explore and plan their career paths.

Examples include career assessment tools, job search websites, and guidance counseling services.


 "I navigate the complex realm of laws and regulations, wielding words like a legal Jedi. What's my noble profession?"

Lawyer or Attorney