What type of dental office would you apply for if you were interested in general cleanings or general dental restorative work?
A General Dentist Office
How many semesters of dental classes does this program require?
Three (fall, spring, summer)
How many semesters of dental classes does this program require?
5 ( fall, spring, summer, fall, spring)
What job position would you apply for if you were interested in booking patients, filing charts, managing phone calls, handling insurance and talking with patients?
Office manager/assistant
Which dental professional takes payment, makes appointments, handles insurance, and files charts?
Office manager/personnel
What type of specialty dentist would you apply to work for if you wanted to specialize in cleaning below the gum and work with periodontal disease?
A Periodontist
What do you receive in terms of confirmation of completing the course after graduating the program?
A diploma
What do you receive in terms of confirmation of completing the course after graduating the program?
A degree (Associate in Science)
Which position has a higher salary? Dental Hygienist or Dental Assistant?
Dental Hygienist
Which dental professional organizes the business side of the office as well as the dental side?
The Dentist
What job position would you apply for if you were interested in working chair side with dentist on patients in general or specialty offices?
A Dental Assistant
True or False: As an assistant, you can sometimes work without the supervision of the dentist?
True or False: Dental hygienists can work without the supervision of a dentist?
If you were to further your dental, dental hygiene, or dental assisting education, you could do what?
Become a teacher and work as an instructor at a dental school.
Who specializes in tooth implants and removing infection from dental roots?
An Endodontist
What office would you apply to if you were interested in working closing with children?
A Pediatric Dental Office
When you graduate a dental assisting program and acquired your certification, you become a CDA. What does CDA stand for?
Certified Dental Assistant
When you graduate a dental hygiene program and pass state and national boards, and receive a license, you become a RDH. What does RDH stand for?
Registered Dental Hygienist
What type of dental professional could work at a Veterans Hospital?
All 4: Dentist, Dental Hygienist, Dental Assistant, and office personnel
Who specializes in removing wisdom teeth and fixing trauma that has occurred to the oral cavity?
An oral surgeon
What type of office does NOT have hygienists but has staff that assists the doctor in straitening teeth?
An Orthodontics Office
What is the average yearly or hourly salary of a dental assistant?
$16-$17 per hour or $34,000-$36,000 per year
What is the average hourly or yearly salary of a Registered Dental Hygienist?
$26-$34 per hour or $55,000-$70,000 per year
True or False? Once a dentist goes to school for 2 to 3 more years and specializes, they can still practice general dentistry?