How children (and adults) stop themselves from double counting single items
What is
Keeping Track
The specialist time when students learn about notes
What is
This strategies is when you simply know the answer to a problem
What is
This person supports students when they are feeling overwhelmed in the calm down room
What is
Mr Jackson
This tribe's original homelands are where Franklin High School currently exists
What is
The Duwamish Tribe
The order we say numbers
What is
The Number Sequence
The specialist time when students learn about composition and color
What is
This strategies involves creating the entire problem and showing the action of the problem
What is
Direct Modeling
This person runs the math lab at John Muir
What is
Ms McHegg
These two tribes combined to fight for their land rights and now are considered one tribe in the eyes of the US government
What is
Haida and Tlingit
Knowing how many items there are without counting
What is
The specialist time when students become more familiar with books
What is
This strategies involves using the number sequence
What is
This person is the principal at John Muir Elementary
What is
Quinta Thomas
Tribe of Neah Bay recently re-engaged in whaling
What is
The Makah
Knowing every item should only be counted one time
The 1-1 Principle
The specialist time when students work up a sweat
What is
These three words represent the acronym CGI
What is
Cognitively Guided Instruction
This is the John Muir Mascot
What is
A Lion
This tribe is made up of 5 nations along the coast of Washington and Oregon
What is
The Chinook
Understanding the last number in a count is the number of items in the entire set
What is
The specialist time when students learn about the why and how people think the way they do
What is
This set of strategies involves using information you already know to solve more complex problems
What is
Derived Facts
What is
Michael Wheatley
This language is the most commonly used native language in the PNW
What is