This is the number of Occupations we have placed interns in so far in fiscal 2025.
What is 59.
This is the number of Female Youth we facilitated internships for in 2024.
What is 1221.
This was the Employer we placed the most interns with in fiscal 2024.
What is Suncor Energy (150).
This is the total number of schools with internships in fiscal 2024.
What is 392.
This is the total number of internships CAREERS has facilitated since inception.
What is 41,962
This Occupation saw the largest jump in popularity from 2023 to 2024.
What is Welder.
270 - 378 internships; 29% increase!
This is the number of Indigenous Youth we facilitated internships for in 2024.
What is 628.
This is the CAREERS Employer, aside from AHS with the most locations we place interns with.
What is Rocky Mountain Equipment.
Placed 22 internships across 15 locations.
These are the three Educators featured on the CAREERS website.
Who are:
Heather Brantner - W.R. Meyers High School
Erik Haatvedt - M.E. Lazerte High School
David Keohane - CASS
This is the total number of CAREERS Team Members today.
What is 71.
This is the Occupation that CAREERS has placed the highest number of interns in since inception.
What is Heavy Equipment Technician (4,553 - 12.5%).
This was the most recent Intern featured on CAREERS LinkedIn.
Who is Ella Boucher.
This was the most recent Partner to be celebrated on CAREERS LinkedIn.
What is Caribou Energy Park.
This was the most recent Educator partner featured on CAREERS' LinkedIn.
What is Keyano College.
This is the budgeted total revenue for this fiscal year.
What is $12.6 million.
These were the five most popular Internship Occupations in fiscal 2024.
What is Heavy Equipment Technician (534), Welder (378), Auto Service Technician (312), Electrician (272), Carpenter (233)
This is the highest number of internships taken by a single intern.
What is 9.
Two CAREERS interns have each taken 9 internships:
Nicolai Grandison from 2015 - 2023.
Raven Bacerra - 2016 - 2022.
This is the ratio of Employers who took more than 1 intern in 2024.
What is 28%.
688 unique Employers accounted for 60% of the 2024 internships.
40% of 2024 internships came from 72% of Employers.
This was the total number of Teacher + Secondee portal users at September 2024.
What is 257.
This is the number of Partners we have listed on our website.
What is 104.
This is the number one most frequently cited favorite thing about working at CAREERS.
What is the PEOPLE!
You are all amazing rockstars and I'm grateful for you all!
This is the most common first name of all CAREERS interns in Salesforce.
What is Tyler.
This Employer took interns in the highest number of different Occupations in 2024.
What is Canadian Natural.
Took total of 6 interns in 5 different Occupations:
Auto Service Technician, Electrician, Industrial Mechanic (Millwright), Instrumentation and Control Technician, Parts Technician
This was the Supervising Teacher on the highest number of internships in fiscal 2024.
Who is Darren Dola (115).
Eagle Butte High School in Dunmore, AB.
This is the amount we estimate our Employers paid last year in wages to the internships we facilitated.
What is $23.6 million.