Government/Social Services
This person deals with the money of a business or organization. Duties include auditing, tax preparation, and sometimes analyzing financial crimes.
What is an Accountant.
Considered on of the most popular medical careers, this job involves working directly with patients during health screenings and patient recovery. They are also responsible for monitoring overall patient conditions.
What is a Nurse.
This profession involves people who help students develop social skills and plan for college or a career.
What is a School/Career Counselor.
You can find these people analyzing weather patterns, tracking storms, and possibly chasing tornadoes.
What is a Meteorologist.
These people dissect problems with desktops, hardware, and networks for businesses. They are open minded and eager to help, especially since what the work with is a big part of any company.
What is a Computer Systems Analyst.
Ever wonder what people want and what they are buying? These people analyze data to answer those exact questions.
What is a Market Research Analyst.
This type of person works to stop gum disease, cavities, and overall mouth health.
What is a Dentist.
These people are the voice of a person, party, or business during legal proceedings. They work for the state or federal government, companies and businesses, or they run their own practice.
What is a Lawyer.
These people specialize in areas such as nutrition, food sources, and harmful products in food.
What is a Food Scientist/Technician.
Going beyond electrical engineering, these individuals design and develop systems that turn solar energy into electricity.
What is a Solar Engineer.
This person is usually the one responsible for recruitment, employee compensation, employee performance, training, and employee benefits for a business or organization.
What is a Human Resource Specialist.
These doctors help people who are emotionally, physically, or emotionally disabled by using and creating programs to help them recover.
What is an Occupational Therapist.
These individuals are responsible for providing meaningful assistance to courts in their deliberations and decisions concerning criminal offenders by monitoring them and running reports on them.
What is a Probation Officer.
This noble profession involves the coordination and planing of actions in case of a natural emergency in a community.
What is a Emergency Management Specialist.
This type of engineer mainly deals with bridges, roads, and various structures. They look at costs, reports, and regulations of everything that goes into building and maintaining these structures.
What is a Civil Engineer.
This is the title for someone who actually sells products to clients and other businesses. These people are usually very good at public speaking and negotiating.
What is a Sales Representative.
These doctors specialize in children's health and medicine, usually from birth to adolescence.
What is a Pediatrician.
There are two main types of this profession: (1) direct-service, which is helping people solve and cope with problems in their everyday lives, and (2) clinical, who diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional issues.
What is a Social Worker.
They are involved in the discovery, exploration and development of natural resources such as gas, oil and water. They use their knowledge to advise engineers when building structures such as bridges or dams.
What is a Geoscientist.
These people are very knowledgeable about technology, and create new systems, codes, and applications which can improve the visibility and productivity of a organization and/or the products they offer.
What is a Software Developer.
This person oversees everything money related in a business. They run financial reports, put together cash-flow statements, and making sure everyone in their business understands these financial reports.
What is a Financial Manager.
This is a doctor who specializes in use of X-rays or other imaging technologies in order to diagnose various illnesses.
What is a Radiologist.
These agents fight national security issues, and they usually have degrees in subjects as varied as accounting, law, and computer science.
What is an FBI Agent.
You can find them at universities, but aside from teaching they also study energy, forces, and matter, running experiments and publishing academic reports on their findings.
What is a Physicist.
These people design components of spacecraft, aircraft, satellites, missiles, and other types of flying objects.
What is an Aerospace Engineer.