Health and Safety
Person Centered Planning
Consumer Rights
Tricky Questions
Fire Extinguisher First Aid Kit Fire Exit
What safety items should every staff person know the closest location of?
Barbara Zubeck
Who is the Privacy Officer at Truman?
Things that are considered when developing a plan.
What are Strengths, Abilities, Preferences and Desired Outcomes of Person Served?
Example 1: Treated with Respect and Dignity Example 2: Consumer Choice Example 3: Right to Review File
What are items on Consumer Bill of Rights?
This document includes things like: Demographic Data Referral Information Functional Abilities Medical Information
What is the consumer record, ecare or psychconsult?
Red Black Blue Pink
What are safety codes for fire, bomb threat, medical emergency and infant/child abduction?
This piece of legislation was signed into law in 1996 protecting identifiable health information.
What is HIPAA?
The person served is crucial to involve when developing this.
What is Plan of Service (PES)? What is Job Development Plan? What is Treatment Plan?
This is how often consumer rights are reviewed.
What is Annually?
(when transporting a consumer) First Aid Kit Safety Equipment Communication Device Written Emergency Procedures
What is required in a staff/agency vehicle?
Non-ambulatory persons need to go here and wait for help should the building need to be evacuated.
What is outside the stairwell on the safe side of the building?
Possible Sanctions: Counseling/Written Warnings Civil or Criminal Penalties Termination
What are the consequences of violating HIPAA policies.
Specific Measurable Objectives; Methods to Achieve Objectives; Those Responsible for Implementation; When and How Progress will be Measured
What must be identified when writing a plan of service/treatment plan?
This is how a consumer file a complaint.
What is Grievance Procedure?
Principle that programs and services should be universally accessible to people with or without disabilities. Common Examples: Curb Cuts Captions
What is Universal Design?
Call 911 Call Supervisor Obtain Insurance and other relevant information Complete Incident Report form. **See Accident Procedures in Car**
What you do in the event of a car accident while transporting a consumer?
HIPAA, privacy, and security regulations are the responsibility of these people.
Who are all staff and volunteers?
Annual Review and Update
What do all plans have to have?
A staff member must have this in order to share information about a consumer with someone outside of the agency.
What is Reciprocal Release of Information?
Tell the surveyor that you are not sure, but you'll get clarification from your supervisor.
What do you do when asked a question by CARF surveyor and don't know the answer?
When a staff person or guest sustains an injury this document must be completed within 24hrs and submitted to your supervisor.
What is an Accident/Incident Initial Reporting Form?
Throwing a document with PHI (Private Health Information) in the trash or sharing a story about a consumer with a family member are examples of this.
What is privacy breach or HIPAA violation?
The perso-centered care guiding principles.
What are respect, hop & healing, partnership, coordination & integration of care, transitions of care, communication & education, environment and involvement of support network?
A notice describing how medical information about a consumer maybe used and disclosed, and how the consumer can get access to this information.
What is Notice of Privacy Practices?
The Cashew located at 2000 Grand Blvd, KCMO 64108
Where does everyone meet after work when CARF survey is over?