All Staff
State Regulations
Admission Process
Treatment Plans
Treatment Modalities

What is the Operations Manual? 

Where numerous forms can be found such as quality assurance, admission forms, medical forms, etc. 


What state regulations do we follow? 

DHS 75.59 and DHS 75.60. 


What is the intake process? 

Front desk sets up patient profile and has them sign payment of services form, take home consent form for medication, and consent to treatment. Counselor downloads remaining paperwork enters information in Central Registry, uploads PDMP, admission clearance form, and patient sees medical staff for further assessment. 


How often do you update your treatment plan? 

Every 90 days. 


What is person Centered treatment? 

Meeting patients where they are at within treatment. 


Where can policies be found? 

Policy Stat. 


Per State Regs, when patient's test positive for an illicit substance or miss a call back, whom are a phase 5 or 6, what phase do they go to? 

Clinical Probation for 90 days. 


What is form A2 within intake and annual documentation? 

Safety Screening


What do treatment plans consist of and what is needed within the treatment plan summary? 

Patient's needs and goals. Within summary the 6 dimensions need to be included. (Snapshot of patient). 


What treatment modalities used with addiction treatment? 

CBT, DBT, and MI. (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing)


What is the complaint/grievance procedure? 

Patient's can request compliant forms at front desk, complete them and submit to clinic director for further review. If response isn't satisfactory, patients can complete a grievance. 


How often are PDMP's required to be uploaded? 

Every 90 days and every 30 days if prescribed controlled substances such as amphetamines or benzodiazepines. 

What is the discharge process? 

Discharge summary needs to be completed, discharge within Central Registry, and discharge in Methasoft and remove patient signature. Discharge after 24 days. 


What are SMART goals? 





T-Time Bound


What are some CBT techniques that are used with patients? 

Cognitive Distortions-Thinking errors

Functional Analysis

Beliefs and Values

Automatic Thoughts


Who is our patient advocate? 

Jaela-DHS forms on back of office doors stating Jaela is our patient advocate. 


How do we ensure confidentiality? 

Not looking in other patient's chart outside of our caseload, reminding patients of confidentiality, and informed consent. Seeing patients within office settings or groups. Setting expectations with patients. 


Who meets criteria for COSAT and what does it entail? 

Anyone that is absent for opiate use. Patients who are positive for alcohol, cocaine, and any other substances qualify for COSAT. COSAT participates in group and individual counseling. 


Where are SMART goals implemented within the treatment plan? 

Goals and methods. 


What are some DBT techniques that are used with patients? 

Diary Card


Mood Log-distress tolerance


Where are patient records kept at night? 

Records should be locked in a safe location. Offices need to be locked daily before leaving to ensure safety of patient records. 


What does the 8-point criteria consist of per state regs? 

1. no illicit substance use. 

2. regular attendance

3. no behavior issues at clinic 

4. no criminal activity

5. stable housing and social environment

6. length of time in treatment

7. take home medication can be stored safely-metal lock box

8. the benefit outweighs the risk of diversion. 


What assessment tool is used to determine appropriate level of care within admission process? 

ASAM, Admit LOC, OTP continued services. There are 6 dimensions. 


Within a treatment plan how do methods and interventions differ? 

Methods are what the patient will do to meet their goal. Interventions are what the counselor will do to assist the patient in meeting their goal. 


What do the 3 sections of DAP notes consist of? 

Data, Assessment, and Plan