(this nosh is a bit dodgy, innit?)
This watery, salty fluid carries the solid blood elements
These are the smallest of the blood vessels
This type of bleeding appears as a steady flow of dark red blood
This type of non-penetrating trauma is caused from impact with large objects or surfaces
The 3 steps to controlling external bleeding are: 1. direct pressure, 2. elevation with direct pressure, and 3. _________
The blood carries oxygen and this chemical compound
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
These vessels carry blood from tissues, organs, and systems of the body back to heart
This type of bleeding appears as a slow oozing of bright red blood from tissues
Capillary bleeding
These jagged cuts have rough edges and usually occur when the skin is cut by an object that doesn't have a very sharp edge
Most external bleeding is controlled by this
Direct pressure
Carrying hormones, water, and salts to keep body's functions in balance describes this function of blood
These vessels carry blood away from the heart to tissues, organs, and systems of the body.
This type of bleeding appears as a bright red spurting action with each beat of the heart
Arterial bleeding
An injury in which the skin not broken is called this
Check these three things before and after bandaging
Distal circulation, sensation, and motor function
Protection against disease-causing organisms describes this function of blood
The vessels that carry oxygen-poor blood from your heart to your lungs are called these
Pulmonary arteries
The severity of blood loss is based on the patient's signs and symptoms and an estimation of this
Visible blood loss
Objects such as knives, nails, and ice picks (oddly specific) tearing through skin and usually proceeding in a straight line will cause this type of injury
Do not elevate these injuries when attempting to control bleeding
Fractures to extremities or spinal injuries
Carrying food to tissues describes this function of blood
The vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from your lungs to your heart are called these
Pulmonary veins
The body's automatic response to bleeding is blood clotting and this action of the blood vessels
Tearing loose or tearing off of large flaps of skin is a characteristic of this type of injury
These dressings are treated with a specialized chemical that promote clotting when placed onto a wound
Hemostatic dressings