How tall am I?
5 ft
What was the orignial reason I started going to therapy?
Because I wouldn't talk
What was my agriculture major in high school?
Plant Science
What do I say when I do something wrong?
Who do I love the most?
My siblings
What two social sciences did I take to fill the requirements?
How Language Works, and Intro to Psych
How many divorces have I been through? Bonus points if you can name the age too, extra bonus points if you can name how many houses I have lived in
2 divorces, ages 7 and 18, 4 different houses
What is my favorite song and why? Partial credit
Forever and Ever Amen, because it reminds me of my mom
What do I say when I complement someone else?
"SLAYYYYY sometimes with a Queen"
How many countries have I been too?
What are my two hidden talents? you get half points of you get one right
Hip popping and I can touch my thumb to my wrist
What life long issue has my adoption left me with?
What is the most frequently asked question I get?
Go:)od Carma or B:(ad Carma
What is something I say when I am hungry?
"Starvin like Marvin"
What age did I need braces?
I never had braces:)
Name one of my two biggest insecurities
People don't like me or I feel dumb
Who most recently told me "I was the most selfish person they ever met"
My father
Why can't I donate blood?
My iron is too low, anemic
When asked to do say a fun fact during ice breakers, what is my go to fun fact?
"I have two snakesssssssss"
I have two tattoos what are they, and what do they symbolize?
one is a dandelin puff that matches my sister and mom, the other is an octopus which is my spirit animal
If I had to say that I practice a religion which would that be?
What triggered my first panic attack?
My mom's ex husband threatening to call CPS!
What is my favorite word? bonus points if you know definition
indubitably; impossible to doubt
When I agree with something what do I say?
"Thats so true"
I have a scar on the bridge of my nose, how did I get it?
I ran into a door when I was little because my sister was chasing me