Which candy bar is described as ‘packed with peanuts’?
This animal can not walk backwards.
Which National Park has a north and south rim, with a big hole in between?
The Grand Canyon
All babies are born with blue eyes. True or False?
What’s the hardest rock?
What is the name of the owner of a chocolate factory in the Ronald Dahl classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Willie Wonka
This animal has not only striped skin but also striped fur.
Speedway Boulevard was once labeled by Life Magazine as the ugliest street in America. It was named Speedway when racing enthusiasts in the '20s and '30s used the dirt road to test their skills. What Arizona city are you traveling through?
If you sneeze too hard, you could fracture a
It started in September 1939 when Germany attacked Poland.
World War II
What was the occupation of the inventor of cotton candy?
What animal has 32 muscles in each ear.
Which one of the following states does NOT border Arizona?
Colorado Nevada Oklahoma Utah
What is the other print of the organ in the body, that, like fingerprints, is different?
People started buying tons of pet clownfish after seeing what movie?
Finding Nemo
Which is the most desirable candy to find in your trick or treat bag according to a 2016 poll?
Recess Peanut Butter Cups
What bird's eye is bigger than its brain.
An Ostrich
In which Arizona city did the 'Shootout at the OK Corral' take place? Virgil Earp was murdered there, and it is home to the Bird Cage Theatre and an infamous cemetery named Boot Hill.
What are the two organs of human body continue to grow throughout an entire life.
Ears and Nose
Name the three primary colors.
Red, Yellow and Blue
Question: What were the four original flavors of Life Savers as introduced in 1921?
Grape, Orange, Lemon and Lime
It is physically impossible for which animal to look up into the sky?
The Morenci Mine is a large open pit mine in Greenlee County, Arizona. What is mined there?
In terms of human deaths which are more dangerous; snakes, bees, sharks or house flies?
House flies. They spread disease-causing bacteria.
What is the meaning of SOS?
Save Our Souls