Name 1 Food at Carnaval de Quebec
Beaver tails Poutine Tier d'erable Etc
Name one activitiy at carnaval
Axe throwing,skating,hockey,bobsledding,polar bear swim,parade,snowsculptures,see bonhomme, watch races
Who is Bonhomme
A mascot or snowman
Where was the first carnaval held
Quebec city
Do thousands, millions or billions of people come to carnaval
To make tire d'erable you have to pour boiling maple syrup on snow and______
Roll it up with a popsicle stick
What is the polar bear swim
It is a swim where you swim in cold water
Where does Bonhomme live
The ice palace
When was the carnaval introduced
What does Carnaval de Quebec translate to in English
Quebec winter carnaval
What is a beaver tail
Fried dough in the shape of a beaver tail covers in syrups and candy
Who is at the end of the Carnaval parade
What does Bonhomme wear
Red tuque/hat and a arrow sash
Why did the carnaval have to shut down
World war II
Is Carnaval de Quebec the 1st 2nd or 3rd biggest winter carnival
What is the most consumed drink at carnaval
What activity encourages you to throw a sharp object
Axe throwing
When was Bonhomme introduced
When did the carnaval start happening annually
What is the official Carnaval passport
What does poutine translate to in english
A mess
Name 5 activities at carnaval
Axe throwing, skating, hockey, bobsledding, polar bear swim, parade, snow sculptures, see Bonhomme, watch races
What does Bonhomme translate to in English
A fellow/friend
Who made carnaval
Frank Cartel
The Carnaval goes for_____ days