What do people wear on their faces during Carnival?
What do we call the big cars decorated with lights and people during the parade?
Name one Spanish city famous for Carnival.
(Cádiz or Tenerife)
Name a sweet treat eaten during Carnival in Spain.
(Buñuelos or churros)
What is the name of the event that marks the end of Carnival in Spain?
(The Burial of the Sardine)
What do people dress up as during Carnival?
(Different characters like pirates, queens, or clowns)
What type of music do people sing in Cádiz’s Carnival?
When does Carnival usually take place?
(February, before Lent)
What do people drink during Carnival celebrations?
(Hot chocolate, wine, or sangria)
What religious period comes after Carnival?
True or False? People wear costumes only at night.
What instrument is often played in the parades?
What is the name of the funny song groups in Cádiz?
What do children love to do at Carnival?
(Dress up, dance, eat sweets)
True or False? Carnival has been celebrated for over 500 years.
What is the name of the person chosen as the best-dressed in Tenerife’s Carnival?
(Carnival Queen)
What do people throw in the air during the Carnival parade?
True or False? The Carnival Queen wears a normal dress.
(False, it’s a huge costume!)
True or False? Carnival is only for adults
What did people wear at the first Carnivals in history?
Masks and Robes
Name two things used to decorate a Carnival mask.
(Feathers, glitter, paint, beads, etc.)
Name a famous Carnival song or dance.
(Conga, Samba, or Chirigotas songs)
What happens at the end of Carnival in some places in Spain?
(The Burial of the Sardine)
What is one thing people do to celebrate Carnival besides wearing costumes?
Parades, singing, dancing, eating special food)
(Francisco Franco’s dictatorship)