Give 2 Native traditions.
Powow, drum dance, frybread...
Spell the word “mouvement” in English
No 'u'!
Donnez deux expressions du goût (hormis LIKE/LOVE/HATE).
To be a big fan of... / To be crazy about... / To appreciate...
« Ce tableau est plein de couleurs. »
This painting is colourful.
Challenge: in 15 seconds, give as many colours as possible.
Name 2 Pop Art artists.
Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Richard Hamilton...
What’s the English for “tribu” ?
A tribe
Comment se forme l’expression du conseil ? Donnez un exemple.
« Cette candidate est plus talentueuse que le garçon. »
This candidate is more talented than the boy.
What is NARF?
Native Americans' Right Fund = an association to defend Natives' rights and finance legal actions
What is the name of the famous British chef that made a food revolution?
Jamie Oliver!
What's the English for "produits laitiers"?
Quel est la règle de l’ordre des adjectifs ? Donnez un exemple.
TAFCOM > Taille, Âge, Forme, Couleur, Origine, Matière
Ex: a big old red American car
« C’est la cerise sur le gâteau. »
It's the ICING on the cake.
Verb belts > Lire, Prêter
Read / read / read
Lend / lent / lent
How many many members form the BGT jury? Try to name them.
4 : Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, David Walliams.
Translate: "maladroit" & "ouvert d'esprit"
Clumsy / open-minded
Comment se forme le comparatif ? Nommez une exception.
Adj. court > -er + than
Adj. long > more + than
Exceptions : better, worse,...
« Tu peux boire de l’eau au lieu de boire du soda. » (verbe ?)
You can SWAP soda for water.
Pronunciation: “Natives”, “should”, “worked”
/ei/, /d/, /kt/
Name two famous Pop Art techniques.
Silk-screening, Ben-Day dots, lithography, recognizable imagery...
What's the English for "colons"?
Formulez deux propositions infinitives.
Settlers WANTED Natives to learn English.
Natives WANTED settlers to leave their homeland.
« Les amérindiens ont dû abandonner leur culture. »
Native people HAD TO abandon their culture.
Challenge > read it alone: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?”