Photo 1
Photo 2

You are eating with your friends and after one of your friends takes a bite of food, they scrunch their nose and mouth together like *this*. How do you think they're feeling and how do you know?

They feel disgusted and we know because of their facial expressions.


You show your friend a picture of someone you met over the weekend and they cover their mouth (like this), how do you think they're feeling?

They are surprised/shocked (maybe they know them). We know because of their body language and facial expressions. 


When you tell your friend a story, she looked at you the whole time. How do you think she's feeling and how do you know? 

She is paying attention to you and we know because she's giving eye contact. 




You and some friends visit the zoo, you ask one of your friends if they want to see the monkeys next and they shake their head from side to side. How do you think they're feeling and how do you know? 

They don't want to see the monkeys. We know because them shaking their head is a gesture telling us no. 


You're talking to your teacher and she slowly starts walking away towards another student. How do you think she's feeling and how do you know? 

She is trying to end the conversation/get away. We know because their personal space from us. 


A friend of yours came to school wearing a hoodie and sweats and kept their hood on the whole day. How may they have been feeling and how do you know? 

They may have been upset and feeling down. We know because their physical appearance




You go shopping with your mom. She wants you to get some new shoes.You show her a pair you like and she says, "Mmmm eh" How do you think she feels about the shoes and how do you know?

She probably doesn't like the shoes and we know because of her tone of voice. 


In P.E. class someone is holding on to their leg and limping. How do you think they're feeling and how do you know?

They are hurt. We know because their body language. 


In the morning, your mom says, "Ah!" How do you think she's feeling? 

She is feeling scared most likely and we know because of her tone of voice. 




A student at school is walking down the hallway rolling their eyes and with their arms crossed. How do you think they're feeling and how do you know? 

They are feeling mad and we know because their facial expressions and body language. 


You're watching a movie with your mom and she starts wiping her face. How do you think she's feeling and how do you know? 

She is feeling emotional and we know because of her body language.


You hear your mom say, "Ahhhh.." in the background how do you think she's feeling? 

She is probably feeling relieved/relaxed/happy and we know from her tone of voice.




You're at the airport and they announce your flight will be delayed. A crowd of people can be heard saying, "Ugh!" How do you think the crowd is feeling and how do you know? 

They are feeling disappointed/upset that the flight is delayed and we know from their tone of voice. 


Visiting the animal shelter, you see your friend with her head down and walking further away from you. How do you think she's feeling and how do you know? 

She is probably feeling sad and we know because her personal space and body language.


A friend of yours tells you they have something to tell you and immediately have tears fill up in their eyes. How do you think they're feeling and how do you know? 

They are sad and we know because of their facial expressions.