How many in our class go to Soocer in Stoholm?
What is 2? (Caro and Thilde)
Which team did Jose suppert?
What is Fck?
what is Aarhus?
What has to be broken before you can use it?
What is an egg
What is the name of the new teacher we are gonna has in 6. grade?
What is belinda and Tina?
How many people are there in our class?
What is 21?
Who score one of the goals in the em-final-92?
Who is John Faxe and Kim Vilfort?
What is the oldest flag in the world?
What is Dannebrog?
Lucas´mom has 4 kids. January, Febuary and Mach. what is the name of the last kid?
What is Lucas?
Which teachers are marryed with each other?
What is Belinda and Karsten?
How many has not go in the class since kindergardenclass?
What is 4?
Which team won the champions league in 2015?
What is F.C Barcalona?
How many contrys are there in Africa
What is 54?
What goes up but never comes down?
What is your age?
What is the name of Christoffer´s kid?
Who is Malthe?
How many pets has Janne?
What is the richest Soocer team in the World?
What is Manchester City?
How many flags are there in the world?
What is 216?
What is alway in front of you but you cant be seen?
What is the future?
How old is Edel?
What is 60?
How many has gym as ther favorite subject?
What is 10?
Which land has invent soocer?
What is England?
How many live in the world?
(Closest guess win)
Which year did titanic sink?
(closest guess win)
What is the name of Christoffer´s girlfriend?
What is line?