This is the school she is currently working at
Brennen Elementary
Caroline met her current boyfriend at this location
Savage Craft
This is her current pet’s name
Mary Hoppins
She has this many siblings
This is Caroline’s eye color
She has been currently teaching for this many years
5 years
This was Caroline’s original roommate at Duncan street
This is her favorite drink
Caroline grew up going to this Church
Spring Valley Presbyterian
This is Caroline’s Enneagram number
This is where Caroline obtained her Master’s of education
Columbia College
This bar was the bar Caroline got escorted home on her 21st birthday
This is Caroline’s favorite place to buy grocery
Trader Joes
This is the mascot to Caroline’s high school
This is Caroline’s celebrity crush
Harry Styles
This school was Caroline's first job and also the school she grew up attending
Bookman Road Elementary
This is where Caroline teaches pilate classes
When you get invited to Caroline’s house you are most likely to do this activity
Play a Table Game
These are the first names of Caroline’s parents
Ken & Renee
This is Caroline’s zodiac sign
This instagram account is where Caroline posts about her classroom
This is the apartment complex Caroline lived with Juila and Abigail
Greene Crossing
Caroline won’t invite you over without these 3 food items
Cheese, Crackers, Meats
This doll was forbidden by Caroline’s mom because it was considered slutty
Bratz doll
Which of 5 senses is Caroline’s weakest