Classroom Basics
Day to Day Procedures
Quizzes and Tests
Breaking Rules?
Miscellaneous/Caron Facts

This is where you can keep your class binders or folders.

What are the white bins by the front door?


This is how Caron lets us know that class is starting.

What saying Good Morning or Good Afternoon?


You're taking a quiz in Caron's class, this is what you are allowed to use.

What is your notes/notesbook/binder/classwork?


These are the four values declared by Big T "Terry" Lundeen.

What are Trust, Compassion, Stability, and Hope?


You need to know the date and you don't have a phone or computer, this is where you can look.

What is the whiteboard?


This is where you turn in your work.

What are the metal trays by the back door?


This is how Caron lets us know its time to stop talking or working, and pay attention.

What is the Kindergarden Count Down?


You are taking a test in Caron's class, this is what you're allowed to use.

What is my study guide? (Or notesbook for Semester Psychology)

This is how many 'minor' behavior write ups a Central student can have before being referred to the office.

What is three?


This is when Mrs. Caron will be back.

What is the start of Spring Semester?


This is where your graded work lives after it has been entered into Skyward.

What is my porfolio/file folder in the blue bins by the back door?


This is what I should look for as I walk in and sit down each day.

What is the bellwork?


You are taking any form of assessment in Caron's class, this is what you are NOT allowed to use.

What is my phone or neighbor?


This is how many 'major' behavior write ups a Central student can have before being referred to the office.

What is one?


This is who is allowed to make coffee/use the fridge and microwave.

What is anyone...that cleans up after themselves?


This is where you can find anything from scissors, glue, rulers, etc.

What is the shelf by the teacher's desk?


This is when I should stop working for the day.

What is when Caron dismisses us?


You miss a quiz or a test, this is where you should go.

What is the missed assessment makeup form on the whiteboard, that I then turn in to the teacher?


These are the values that I should consider the 'rules' of Caron's classroom, which if I break, can be considered a minor or major write up.

What are Trust, Compassion, Stability, and Hope?


This is the name of Mrs. Caron's long term sub (our new teacher).

What is Mr. Schmidt?


You need to leave to go to the bathroom, this is what you do.

What is sign out on the sheet, located on the table by the front door before I leave?

*Double Jeopardy* 

This is written at the bottom of that sheet.

This is where I should look for any resources I might need to complete my work for the day, or to turn in digital assignments.

What is Canvas?

*Double Jeopardy* 

This is how our Canvas homepage is structured.


You totally bomb a quiz or a test, this is what you should do.

What is finish your daily work or homework leading up to that test, and then ask the teacher for a revision form?


This is Caron's view on phones during class.

What is- make your own choices, but try to make the right choice?


This is Mrs. Caron's baby's middle name.

What is....?