The capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness, is the definition of what word?
Making a plan or deciding you need to be resilient involves using your ________ to overcome challenges.
1. strengths
2. resources
3. support system
4. coping tools
5. mental toughness
Which of these is an example of Mental Agility:
a) sticking to a plan no matter what
b) considering multiple solutions to a problem
c) refusing to adapt in tough situations
b) considering multiple solutions to a problem
True or False: Reframing is about lying to yourself about how you feel.
True or False: Self Compassion means treating yourself with the same kindness/ understanding you would offer a friend.
When faced with a challenge, which of these steps will help you problem solve effectively:
a) immediately giving up
b) looking for solution and adjusting as needed
c) complaining to other people about it
d) ignoring it & hope it resolves itself
b) looking for solution and adjusting as needed
What's a key step in making a resilience plan?
a) identifying stressors
b) ignoring problems
c) waiting for others to solve issues
d) avoiding uncomfortable emotions
a) identifying stressors
Mental Agility is the ability to ____ when faced with unexpected challenges.
1. adapt
2. think flexibly
3. be creative
4. overcome
What's an example of Reframing?
a) turning "I failed" into "I learned something
b) telling yourself "I can't do this"
c) thinking of the worst-case scenario
a) turning "I failed" into "I learned something
Which is these is NOT Self-Compassionate:
a) saying "it's ok to make mistakes"
b) criticizing yourself harshly for errors
c) treating yourself kindly during tough times
b) criticizing yourself harshly for errors
A feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities, is called what?
You want to throw for an ACSM opportunity, but your dealership does not have all of the metrics necessary. How do you approach the situation when it comes to being resilient?
Knowing that your time will come, trust the process, work hard, encourage and motivate your team, look for opportunity, have a lot of conversations with your employees and your resources... etc.
You are planning an event for your team to celebrate some recent accomplishments and have everyone have some fun together, but 6/9 people cannot attend the 7 dates you suggested. What can you do to adapt, and still have a great time and achieve the goal of the event?
- Open Discussion -
1. Ask your team what days they could be available to better plan ahead.
2. Be creative and do something at the dealership with majority or all employees are present.
3. Utilize your resources
4. Dealership lunch
5. Fun tournament or sales competition with an edge
What's one way to look at a problem that makes it easier to reframe it?
Breaking it down into separate smaller components, simplify it, utilizing resources for help.
A Self-Compassionate statement you could use: "I'm doing my _____."
One of your employees just cannot get an appointment booked, and is seemingly giving up... what is your conversation with that employee?
- Open Discussion -
What are some ways you can be more resilient?
1. Make realistic plans
2. Be flexible
3. Be connected to others
4. Be patient with yourself but realistic
5. Be able to communicate and willing
6. Focus on one area and then the next...
7. Break apart - simplify
Name a time when you used mental agility to solve a problem & share it with the group!
Everyone wins points here
You received feedback from your Area Manager after you had a tough interaction with a customer, and your ACSM made you feel like they don't appreciate your performance or hard work. How do you reframe this in a positive way?
1. Take a step back to remove yourself from the situation to think clearly.
2. You could be looking at the feedback with the wrong lense.
3. This feeling may not be reality. Approach your manager to discuss and allow the opportunity for clarification.
4. This could be a chance for me and my manager to communicate better and understand each other's needs.
You forgot an important deadline, for no reason other than you just forgot, and you feel awful. How can you practice Self-Compassion in this situation?
Talk with your supervisor as to what went on, and then say; "I learned my lesson for next time"
Talk with your supervisor as to what went on, and then say; "It's ok to be human, I missed it, I just won't do it again"
Talk with your supervisor as to what went on, and then say; "Let me come up with a better system that will remind me in advance, so I am more prepared"
List as many Personal Strengths as you can within 30 seconds... Cortney will get a timer....
Ready...set... GO!
Count how many strengths you wrote down, how many could you come up with? *Person with the most will get the points*
How do you define 'bounce back' in your own life? What does it take for you to feel like you have successfully overcome a hardship/ challenge?
- Open Discussion -
You have an employee who has been inconsistent with their sales month over month. You have tried several different coaching techniques, and nothing seems to be working. What do you do?
Don't give up on the employee, SOS training, on the spot coaching with phones, consistency, more effective PDM's they may be tailored to a topic each time you meet to peel back where the struggle comes from, connect the dots for the employee on the trends where they have high performing months, vs low. etc.
When Reframing, it's important to focus on the ______ side of a challenge/ goal?
1. Positive
2. Growth Oriented
3. Small achievables to get you back on track
What is a positive affirmation you can tell yourself every morning?
"Smile, because you are enough."
"Today is a new day."
"Why, hey there smarty pants!"
***among many other things!