Student Situation
Program Value Building
Carrington College Info
Setting the Appointment
Defines the direction and what the student wants to achieve with their education and sets the student up for their career path.
What are Career Goals?
Brief key points about the program using the portal or website that help build value in the program and intended to increase the prospective student's interest in the program.
What are Program Talking Points?
A service provided to students with 24/7 access to confidential assistance with financial and legal difficulties, personal problems, child care and more.
What is the ASPIRE program?
"Call us back when you are ready to set an appointment" is an example of this.
What is a non-assumptive approach?
"For quality purposes, this call may be recorded."
What is the telemarketing addendum?
Anyone the prospective student may consult about their decision to continue their education and may have an impact on their decision to go to school.
What is student support?
The last six weeks of most core programs in which students gain real world experience so they can confidently enter their careers after graduation.
What is an externship?
Provides advice regarding job search strategies, resume writing, and interview techniques. Works to help set students up for success, motivate them, and set them up for success in their education and career.
What is Career Services?
A requirement to provide students with verbally for every appointment to ensure the student knows where to go for their appointment.
What is campus address and location?
A pattern of language that assumes the outcome of what you are asking such as "When you come to campus you will have the opportunity to tour our labs".
What is assumptive language?
A question intended to gather information such as "Do you have any previous college experience?"
What is a probing question?
Job growth statistics according to Bureau of Labor Statistics stated exactly as shown on the Carrington website or Program Information Sheet.
What is used to tell the prospective student about careers in demand?
The distinctive attribute or aspect of something such as tutoring at no additional charge.
What is a feature?
A requirement when setting an appointment for the purpose of supporting the student or even a possible referral.
What is inviting the PS's support?
A statement or question used to create a flow to the conversation as you switch from one section to the next such as "Thank you for sharing your background with me. Let me tell you a little more about the program/s."
What is a transitional phrase or statement?
A term for asking follow up questions to probe further to effectively gather information; each question building upon the previous one to uncover more layers and to get below surface responses.
What is "peeling the onion"
"Does that sound like the Medical Assisting program may be a good fit with your career goals?"
What is a Confirmation Question?
To provide learning opportunities to individuals in the communities it serves through postsecondary programs of study, which include general studies and professional preparation in career-focused majors.
What is Carrington College's Mission?
Creating interest and enthusiasm by providing the prospective student with some brief highlights as to what the prospective student can expect to see while visiting the campus as well as the information they will gain during their appointment.
What is building value in the appointment?
Asking questions to gather information and ensure understanding of a prospective student's fears, perceived obstacles, or other issues that the prospective student feels could stand in their way of obtaining an education.
What is a strategy to address concerns?
A question designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings, requires more than a one-word answer.
What is an open ended question?
In which program do students learn how to provide orthotic and prosthetic training as well as how to perform a variety of other techniques such as ultrasound, iontophoresis, soft tissue mobilization, and electrotherapy?
What is the Physical Therapist Assistant program?
Training that uses technologies and processes that are used in the field building confidence through learning by doing.
What is hands-on training?
An acronymn for a question prospective students are really asking. Students are motivated for their own reasons, not your reasons. This means that information should be tailored and presented in such a way to address the needs, motivations, and goals of each prospective student.
What is the "WIFM" factor?
A state of harmonious understanding with an individual that enables greater and easier communication by finding things in common, showing empathy, and/or developing a bond. An essential element of a successful call.
What is rapport?