The most common way to prepare carrots in the US.
Most commonly cold, in salads and for dipping.
Where is Guatemala?
(Use map included in lesson to point this out)
What is the story of transformation about?
God gave giant carrots and vegetables to the village of Almolonga in Guatemala.
The most common way to prepare carrots in Guatemala.
Most commonly cooked, in stews and other similar recipes.
What is the climate in Guatemala like?
Climate in Guatemala varies from hot and tropical, to nearly 40 degrees F at higher elevations.
Why was Guatemala blessed with giant carrots?
To save people from hunger and poverty.
What kind of color will a carrot have when they are done growing?
A vibrant color. Commonly orange, but also come in red, purple, and yellow.
What season are carrots planted in both New England and Guatemala?
Why do they fumigate the carrots in Guatemala?
So they don’t grow small.
How many days does it take to harvest carrots?
60-80 days
When are the rainy and dry seasons in Guatemala?
Dry: November-April
Rainy: May-October
How many carrots were imported to the USA from Guatemala in 2021?
3,577 Carrots
What is Hilachas?
Beef stew with carrots, pumpkin, and other veggies.
What place in Guatemala is known for having giant carrots?
Almolonga, Guatemala
What is a benefit to growing big carrots in Guatemala?
They get money from other countries buying their carrots.