More Scrum
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It a set of values and principles.  Its about delivery working products of high-quality and business value iteratively. 

What is Agile?


Name the three pillars of Scrum

What are Transparency, Inspection and Adaptation?


James Earl Jones voiced the father character in these two movies. 

(Name at least one.)

What is Stars Wars (Darth Vader)?  

What is The Lion King (Mufusa)?


This ensures that work is completed to the expected quality required for the product.

What is the Definition of Done?


This team member has four fur babies - two cats and two dogs.

Who is Harrell?


Individual & Interactions over Processes & Tools 

Working Product over Comprehensive Documentation 

Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation 

Responding to Change over Following a Plan 

What is the Agile Manifesto?


The Scrum Values are Courage, Focus, ____________, Respect and Openness.

What is Commitment?


This movie from 1986 just released it's long-awaited sequel.

What is "Top Gun"?


This is delivered at the end of the sprint.

What is potentially shippable working software or product increment


This provides a platform for the team to showcase all of the work that's been completed.  It allows stakeholders to see things sooner rather than later, and to inspect or adapt the product as it emerges.  

What is the sprint review or demo


A developer writes a single test case describing a new function, runs the test wherein it should fail, then writes "just enough" code to make the test pass, and then refactors the new code to meet acceptable standards.

What is "TDD" or "test-driven development"?


Name the four (4) official ceremonies in Scrum

What are (1) sprint planning, (2) daily stand ups, (3) sprint review and demo, (4) and retrospective?


This movie was written based on a Habro board game.

What is "Clue"?

This focuses on selection of ready items from those offered by the Product Owner, wraps of lingering questions, and defines the Sprint Goal. 

What is sprint planning part one?


This team member collects Pokemon Cards.

Who is Brian? 


This acts as a mirror showing the team how good they are at making a product.  It also exposes problems in the team and organization.  Without it, it's hard to steer or adapt.  With it, adaptive control and improvement is possible.

What is transparency?


It's a group of interacting, interdependent parts that form a complex whole.

What is a system?


In The MATRIX films, Neo opted to enter the “real” world—leaving the matrix behind—by choosing to take this color pill.

What is red


This is when the teams make their final commitment to what they will deliver in the sprint, and they also create a plan for getting the items to 'done'. 

What is sprint planning part two? 


This team member is part of seven (7) different high school alumnis. 

Who is Kiesha?


This means having the responsibility and authority to act, and accepting the natural and logical consequences for the results of those actions or inactions.  The team as a whole and each team member individually must be held to it.  It is not a function only of the team's leader, but a shared responsibility.

What is accountability?


It's the ability, or the developed skill, to perform problem solving in complex systems.  In other words, it can be a skill or an awareness, or both!  You can develop your ability to think in systems.

What is "systems thinking"?


What is the name of the fictional land where Frozen takes place?

What is Arendelle? 


This is not a status update; it's a pulse check that should illuminate any impediments that are slowing the team's progress.

What is the daily stand up


This team member is going to Palo Duro Canyon for hiking, camping and four-wheeling soon for vacation. 

Who is Leslie?