CH 4: Narratives
CH 5: Mis/
CH 6: Issue Framing
CH 7: Historic Western POVs
Case Studies IV-VI
A persuasive process whereby a strong affinity for a particular character/performer develops into a narrative of personal social connection

What is parasocial relationship?


An approach that attempts to reach an audience before it hears a piece of misinformation

What is forewarning? 

One of the most prominent frames in supporting the U.S. Cold War narrative:

What is domino theory?


One concept of persuasion focused on the collective wisdom and judgement of people reasoning together

What is census communis?

When a citizen/group publicly reveals covert government or organizational misaction at their own personal and legal risk. 

What is whistleblowing?


A method that reviews similar topic studies together to draw broader, generalizing conclusions. 

What is meta-analysis?


Twitter bots, disinformation agents, fake news all compose a system of distributing false information for political goals known as 

What are lie machines?

____ is the effect of agenda setting and issue framing

What is priming?


____ intervenes in the force-seduction continuum, emphasizing consent and openness in argument. 

What is lover/Eros?


One important mechanism to terrorist recruitment narratives, emphasizing connection with the protagonists, is 

What is identification? 


A narrative strategy that can empower viewers to engage in the same behaviors as characters they perceive as similar to them, and experience associated positive outcomes in the real world. 

What is identification?


The type of reasoning that facilitates people's tendency to accept political information as valid if it comes from a like-minded source.

What is motivated reasoning? 


Echo chambers and media bubbles have ushered in an era of ____ _____ media is centered on reinforcing existing attitudes instead of shifting them.

What are "minimal effects"?


Advice for scriptural interpretation from De Doctrina Christiana, and generally understood as an interpretive practice in rhetoric, is known as 

What are hermeneutics? 


The Supreme Court case that permitted the publication of the Pentagon Papers on First Amendment grounds that the federal government's exercise of prior restraint an overreach.

What is New York Times Co. v. United States (1971)?

Intense emotional and affective elements of a narrative can incapacitate our cognitive resources and make us more susceptible to propaganda through what persuasive process? 

What is psychological transpiration? 


The most critical difference between mis/disinformation is that misinformation is _____ while disinformation is _____

What is accidental; intentional


Social norms, interest group pressures, and organizational constraints are all factors influencing ____ choices of media frames.

What are journalists'?


A rhetorical concept that describes the movement of discourses across time-space, relevant to describe the spread of De Doctrina Christiana and the ideals of the Protestant Reformation

What is circulation? 


The three dimensions of a Big Lie are:

What are the rhetor's implicit level of authority; content repetition and reinforcement; eliminating alternative forms of information?


The following is an example of ___ in narratives: "One study showed that exposure to a theatrical play intended to promote acceptance of overweight people caused audiences to develop negative attitudes about overweight individuals and report less intention to make friends with them."

What is boomerang effect?


The following is an example of: News outlets immediately during the 2020 election began addressing rumors of election interference, then addressed mail-in ballots as soon as the formal election results were announced. This helped frame the severity of Jan. 6 in the public opinion. 

What is inoculation?


Framing is prominent in American political discourse because of one key feature of its political system that centers ____

What is representation? 

Referring to the knowledge and attitudes an audience is being asked to give up in order to accept and embrace something new, how sensical is this new information

What are leaps of faith?


Referring the sense and coherence of reasoning in a narrative, which often relies on extreme and familiar sentiments in terrorist recruitment.

What is narrative rationality?