The location of Casa Machado
The Machado House/87 Prospect Street
The name of Brown's president
Christina Paxson
The real name of the "Tiger King"
Joe Exotic
Charli Damelio
The number of program houses in this building
The day of the week that your meal swipes reset
Thursday night/Friday
The recent Disney film that has gained popularity
The process of making a video that includes a snippet of someone else's
A stitch
This is the name of a popular tradition that happens during finals week
Naked Donut Run
The band that Beyoncé was originally a part of
Destiny's Child
This female rapper's songs keep trending on TikTok
Doja Cat
The number of lounges in this building
This famous sitcom actor went to Brown
John Krasinski
The major sport event happening right now
"... you don't. I know something you will never know!"
1955/the 50s
The name of the beloved statue removed last year
The names of the five Spice Girls
Scary, Sporty, Baby, Ginger, and Posh
Finish the lyrics: "Sometimes all I ..."
"... think about is you."