Who are mandated reporters for Casa Oasis?
When in crisis, staff are to call which term over the radio?
Can staff perform pat down searches, strip searches, or visual cavity searches on youth?
How many points is a touchdown, including the extra point?
Who always says "gracias por venir"?
Mirtha AKA Mirna AKA Bertha
How Long do you have to report inappropriate staff behavior?
15 Minutes
A crisis intervention technique of last resort used to prevent a child from harming him/herself or others during a crisis.
CPI Holds
Children who are believed to have an object, hidden, that can be used to harm themselves or others should be under what type of supervision?
one to one
Who is the all-time NBA leading scorer?
LeBron James
Who speaks with a country accent at random times?
Miss Nizza
How do we demonstrate to upper management that we understand the Staff code of conduct policies?
You sign the code of conduct form....
How often should staff receive refresher training?
Every 6 months.
If a youth in crisis has an object that can be used to harm himself and/or others...what should be the initial response from the staff?
All UM Shelter Staff utilize SWK approved processing and de-escalation techniques to manage incidents in which a child/youth is believed to have an item to harm him/herself.
Which country won the 2014 FIFA World Cup?
Who scared a youth in Capri A while trying to wake him up for dinner time?
Ridge lol
When is it okay to let a youth know, you are going to report them for their inappropriate behavior?
NEVER! You can let the youth know you will have to document their behavior but never tell them you are "reporting" them.
Decrease in physical and emotional energy is also known as what?
Tension Reduction
Are we allowed to search the youth? If yes, what can we search?
Yes, only outer clothing which includes coats, jackets, hats, gloves, shoes or socks
What year was the Dallas Cowboys last Super Bowl win?
1995 lol
who says "BUT IF IT WAS ME?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Mr. Danny
Are we obligated to report any misconduct on or off duty? If so, how long do you have to report it?
Yes, you are obligated to report, and you have 1 hour, according to the policy.
In the state of Texas, how long can a youth be placed in a CPI hold?
15 minutes
When it comes to searches of youth...can a staff ever call the local authorities? If yes, when?
If the child refuses to remove his/her clothing, the staff member may call local authorities only if the reasonable suspicion that lead to the need for a search was reasonable suspicion of an imminent threat of harm to self or others.
Which NBA player has the most championship wins?
Bill Russell
Who left medication at the movies and did not realize it until they were already back at the facility turning in the vehicle binder to SM?
Oscar! smh