The sysmbol that indicates a primary or preferred contact number/address.
Which icon do you click if you want to go back to the homepage of CRIS/CASA or clear your work area?
CRIS logo
What is the name of the current version of CRIS which will be replaced with the new web-based tool?
What is the name of the vendor for the web version of CRIS/CASA?
IMPORTANCE RATING: 3 letter code for Entrepreneurs, or personalities famous on the business field/industry.
TRUE or FALSE: The PNR Viewer function requires PNR locator only to search for active or purged PNR thur CRIS.
Name the 3 levels of case priority and their corresponding colors.
High- Red
Medium - Orange
Low- Blue
IMPORTANCE RATING: This will be applied for Mabuhay Miles Million Milers. High-ranking officials from government agencies/authorities will also be covered here.
Very Very Important People
System will apply duplicate logic when Users submit an enrolment of a new member. Duplicate profile is rejected if an existing profile already has the following matched key fields: (enumerate 3 identifying factors)
Email Address
Last name/First Name
Date of Birth
TRUE OR FALSE: The ‘ISD Code’ is defaulted to the nationality of the member. However, the User must select the appropriate ‘ISD code’ from the drop down if the Mobile Number operator provided by member belongs to another country.
Give 3 qualified information which can be used in retrieving a logged case.
case reference number/ID
customer/member name
email address
phone number
an adult (as an individual member)
a minor
CASA means ________________
Customer Affairs and Service Audit
The __________ will give the Users an overall view of the cases logged. The cases are grouped by their status.
CRIS means __________
Customer Relationship Information System