New York City History
Books By Characters
A Visit to the Museum
Movie Trivia

Dihydrogen monoxide is the technical term for this compound containing 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen.

What is Water?


The first of these food items were sold in NYC in 1895.  Since 1960, its price has been roughly the same as a subway ride resulting in a principle by economists.

What is a pizza slice?


The Tree, The Boy

What is The Giving Tree?


The subject of this art work has her own mailbox at the Louvre because of all the love letters she receives.

What is the Mona Lisa


The first African American to win an Oscar, she was not allowed to sit inside the venue.

Who is Hattie McDaniel?


A pure element can take on many forms.  For example, diamonds and graphite are both forms of this element.

What is carbon?


This borough by itself is the fourth largest city in the US.

What is Brooklyn?


Fire Man Guy Montag

What is Fahrenheit 451


In 2003, this artist known for being mysterious secretly hung his work in the Tate Modern where it hung for three days before being discovered.

Who is Banksy?


With “Get Out” and “Us” this director successfully switched from comedy to horror.

Who is Jordan Peele?


Between trees on earth and stars in our galaxy, there are more of these.

What are trees on earth?


There was only one homicide on this date in NYC and it remains unsolved.  Law enforcement was otherwise engaged.

What is September 11, 2001?


Celie, Shug, Harpo

What is The Color Purple?


This famous NYC Museum retired its iconic metal buttons in 2013 in favor of stickers.

What is the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


If you were to watch the Marvel Avenger series of movies in chronological order, which would you watch first.

What is Captain America:  The First Avenger?


Babies are born with 300 bones.  As they grow, many fuse together leaving the average adult human with this many.

What are 206?


This bar is the oldest in NYC and did not allow women inside until 1970.  I recommend the cheese plate!

What is McSorley's?


Boxer, Mr. Jones, Napolean

What is Animal Farm?


The spiral ramp inside this NYC Museum is a quarter of a mile long.

What is the Guggenheim?


Listed as one of the top ten most famous movie quotes of all time, it completed this line from All About Eve:  "Fasten your seatbelts..."

What is "It's going to be a bumpy night."

Although no can pinpoint exactly why, this planet is the only one to spin clockwise.

What is Venus?


The winter of 1780 was so harsh that people walked from Manhattan to this island.  And the walk was free!

What is Staten Island?


Johnny, Cherry, Dallas

What is The Outsiders?


There is a museum in Germany dedicated entirely to art depicting this food item, be it rye, wheat or pumpernickel.

What is Bread?


John Cazale, Fredo from the Godfather, died young of Cancer and was cared for to the very end by this celebrated actress who calls him the love of her life and his costar in The Deer Hunter.

Who is Meryl Streep?