Thoracic Anatomy
Chest X-Rays

This muscle separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity and is the primary muscle of respiration.

What is the diaphragm?


On a chest X-ray, this side of the diaphragm is typically higher due to the underlying liver.

What is the right side?


This short-acting beta-agonist is commonly used as a rescue inhaler for asthma symptoms.

What is salbutamol (Ventolin)?


This is the most common bacterial cause of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) worldwide.

What is Streptococcus pneumoniae?


These structures are located at the hilum of the lung and include the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, and main bronchus.

What are the hilar structures?


This condition is suggested on a chest X-ray by a visible absence of lung markings and hyperlucency in one lung field.

What is a pneumothorax?


This test measures the maximum speed of expiration and can help monitor asthma control.

What is peak flow measurement?


Hannah’s respiratory rate of 25 breaths per minute is an example of this abnormal breathing pattern.

What is tachypnea?


The name of the rib level where the sternal angle (Angle of Louis) is located, marking the tracheal bifurcation.

What is the second rib?


In a normal chest X-ray, the heart should occupy less than this fraction of the thoracic width on a PA (posteroanterior) film.

What is less than half (50%)?


This class of medication, taken daily, helps reduce inflammation in the airways of asthma patients.

What are inhaled corticosteroids?


This blood test, commonly elevated in infection, helps assess inflammation levels.

What is C-reactive protein (CRP)?


These two pleural layers surround the lungs, one attached to the lung surface and the other lining the thoracic cavity.

What are the visceral pleura and parietal pleura?


Pain from a rib fracture is best managed with these two over-the-counter medications for pain relief.

What are paracetamol and ibuprofen?


In asthma, this process involves the narrowing of airways due to bronchial hyperresponsiveness, mucus production, and inflammation.

What is bronchoconstriction?


Hannah’s history of asthma means pneumonia treatment should also include this type of medication to reduce inflammation and prevent bronchospasm.

What are corticosteroids or bronchodilators?


This anatomical feature is the ridge at the tracheal bifurcation that is highly sensitive to foreign bodies and stimulates coughing.

What is the carina?


On a chest X-ray, this view is preferred for better evaluation of heart size and lung fields.

What is the posteroanterior (PA) view?


These cells, which release histamine and leukotrienes, play a key role in the inflammatory process of asthma.

What are mast cells?


This is the first-line outpatient antibiotic treatment for community-acquired pneumonia in a healthy adult.

What is amoxicillin?