Clinical Psychology
Abnormal Psychology
Lifespan Development
Learning Theory
William & Mary

When the therapist behaves towards their supervisor in ways that mirror how the client is behaving towards the therapist. 

What is parallel process? 


A disorder characterized by (a) restriction of energy intake; () an intense fear of gaining weight; and (c) a disturbance in the way the person experiences their body weight or shape. 

What is anorexia nervosa? 


The first of Erikson's psychosocial stages occurring between birth and about 18 months were a child decides if the environment is safe and caregivers are dependable. 

What is trust vs mistrust? 


A learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired studied by Pavlov. 

What is classical conditioning? 


The oldest college building still standing in the US, has been rebuilt three times due to fire, and is known as the "soul of the college" at WM. 

What is the Wren Building? 


The integrations of the best available research with clinical expertise to tailor treatment to the client's needs; use of treatments shown to improve mental health conditions for a specific population. 

What is evidence-based treatment? 


The intentional production, faking or gross exaggeration of symptoms to obtain an external reward. 

What is malingering? 


Kubler-Ross's explanation of how individuals process intense loss (e.g. denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). 

What are the stages of grief? 


Bandura's learning theory that behaviors can be acquired by simply observing someone else perform those behaviors; a process that involves attention, retention, production, and motivation. 

What is observational learning? 


A celebration in December where the students fill the Wren Courtyard for live music, sing, and hot cider (themes include peace, joy, and gratitude). 

What is the Yule Log? 


The most important healing factor provided by group therapy; the unity or solidarity of a group. 

What is group cohesion? 


Beck's cognitive profile for depression (i.e. negative beliefs about oneself, the world, and the future).

What is the depressive cognitive triad? 


The parenting style characterized by low demands with high responsiveness or warmth. 

What is permissive parenting? 


A type of exposure that involves exposing the individual to the maximum-intensity anxiety-arousing stimuli for an extended period. 

What is flooding? 


An event held by WM at the beginning of the year to rally support for over 880 designation across campus; has raised over $3.8 million. 

What is One Tribe One Day? 


The therapeutic approach that views the client as the expert while the therapist acts as a collaborator who assists in recognizing the client's resources to achieve specific goals (e.g. miracle question, scaling questions). 

What is solution-focused therapy?


A disorder characterized by multiple periods of hypomanic symptoms and depressive symptoms that do not meet full criteria for a major depressive episode. 

What is cyclothymic disorder? 


The process in which new neurons are generated from neural stem cells in the adult brain. 

What is neurogenesis?


An intervention originally developed for PTSD that combines rapid lateral eye movements with exposure to the feared event. 

What is EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)?


A state-assisted institution that offers a superior education at a cost far below that of Ivy League schools (WM is considered one). 

What is a public ivy? 


The therapists' awareness of their cultural assumptions, values, and beliefs; knowledge of culturally diverse worldviews; and skills that enable them to provide appropriate and effective interventions for culturally different clients. 

What is cultural competence? 


A disorder characterized by the presence of at least one vocal tic and multiple motor tics that have persisted for more than one year and began prior to age 18. 

What is Tourette's disorder? 


The process where the brain eliminates extra neurons and synapses; this occurs rapidly around ages 2 and 16. 

What is synaptic pruning? 


A pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them; a pattern of thinking that people use to interpret the world. 

What is a schema? 


"Higher education's most trusted virtual health and well-being provider."

What is TimelyCare?