The Economy
Everyday Life

As the U.S. government, THW prioritize addressing climate change over promoting economic growth

Coach's discretion. 

(example: CC = extreme weather events, droughts, etc. which can cause both loss of life and prevent agriculture/feeding the human population in the long run. Death outweighs quality of life) 


THBT social media platforms should factcheck posts by world leaders

Coach's discretion 

(e.g., prevent ill-informed violence or denial of public health threats...) 


TH prefers a world where people can tell no lies

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., it deters crime because criminals can't lie about whether they committed a crime or not) 


TH believes standardized testing does more harm than good

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., causes teaching to the test, destroys original thinking, preferences wealthier families with tutors, etc) 


THBT growing up with a pet is beneficial to a child

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., teaches kids a sense of responsibility, which is important for relationships and contributing to society down the line. also happiness lol)


THW make the inheritance tax 100% (the government takes all your money/assets when you die)

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., it forces the children of wealthy parents to contribute productively to society) 


TH would weight people’s votes according to their score on a current events test

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., national policymaking becomes more informed, leading to better economic policy, foreign policy, etc) 


If the technology existed, TH would allow people to selectively erase parts of their memories

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., increase productivity, happiness if people can erase traumatic memories) 


THW abolish homework in K-12 schools

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., life skills like discipline, teamwork, etc are better taught in extracurriculars like sports/debate/music or part-time work, which would likely supplant hw) 


TH would ban beauty pageants

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., beauty pageants cause girls to place an unhealthy amount of weight on their appearance, which can contribute to things like eating disorders) 


THW abolish the minimum wage

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., businesses hire fewer people when they must pay a certain wage; this prevents some low-skill workers from getting jobs at all, causing them to live in extreme poverty) 


TH would abolish the electoral college

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., populous states, especially those with a lot of urban areas, gain more of the relative vote; the government may focus more on reducing urban poverty) 


Between the superpowers of time travel and teleportation, TH would choose time travel

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., preventing historically bad events like terrorist attacks) 


THBT debate should be a compulsory activity

Coach's discretion 

(y'all can definitely do this one) 


THBT social media harms people’s social abilities/ social lives

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., people start tying their sense of self-worth to likes, follows, etc., which is very unfulfilling and can interfere with real social development) 


THW allow people to freely immigrate to the US

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., refugees from violence wouldn't have to deal with a complicated immigration system and would be guaranteed a safer life in the US) 


THBT political ads (e.g. on TV, YouTube) do more harm than good

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., political ads preference candidates with a lot of money, rather than those with the best policy ideas; without ads, policy-oriented things like debates would become more important) 


In a zombie apocalypse, TH would prefer to have a club (e.g. a baseball bat) rather than a gun

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., guns attract zombies and human thieves because they are loud and have a distinct smell; safer to avoid attention) 


TH would force all universities to make their lectures free and publicly accessible online

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., students who can't afford university can still improve their marketable skills for the workforce)


THBT society should value part-time work over extracurriculars for middle- and high-school students

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., teaches more discipline/responsibility, reduces part of a disadvantage for low-income students) 


THW replace means tested welfare (e.g. food stamps, public housing, Medicaid) with a universal basic income

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g. people can allocate money more efficiently because they know what they need; incentive to work; etc) 


TH would repeal the 22nd amendment (which limits U.S. presidents to 2 terms)

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., presidents become wiser with experience; a good president should be able to serve the country longer if he/she can do better than a new and inexperienced president) 


TH would rather fight 1 horse-sized duck than 100 duck-sized horses

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., easier to focus on one opponent, and a bite or kick from a duck would probably hurt less than from a horse)


Past a certain level of academic preparedness, THW replace college admissions systems with a lottery

Coach's discretion. 

(e.g., anything else just preferences wealthier applicants, which have things like legacy, tutors, essay-writing advisors, better recs from private school teachers, etc) 


THW criminalize hate speech

Coach's discretion

(e.g., regularly facing hate speech can cause significant mental health problems for victims)