The minimum amount of visits Medicare wants us to see a patient per period. (Two 30 day periods in a 60 day episode)
What is a LUPA threshold?
Within five days before end of the certification period.
When can a recertification visit be done?
This is a nursing discharge visit.
What is an RN19?
This is the buddy code for a wound photo.
What is an SN92?
This will be turned in weekly
What is a projected case management schedule?
This will be found at the end of the calendar.
What is an RN/PT 18?
This is what you do if the patient wants to be recertified the next week.
What is writing an order to recert the following week?
This discipline should do the agency discharge if 2 discharges are plotted the same week for different disiplines.
What is an RN?
At SOC, recert, resume and with any changes. Ideally, monthly
When should a photo of the wound be taken?
There are many types of this. The case manager must check chart to ensure correct one is provided to the patient. (Check the Authorization Information note)
What is a NOMNC?
These are plotted every 14 days.
What are HHA supervisory visits?
The case manager is best to do this type of visit.
Who should ideally do the recertification visit?
We should not discharge the patient if the patient has these.
What are unhealed wounds?
Every wound that is difficult or all lower extremity wounds.
When should a WOCN consult be put in?
Case managers are ultimately responsible to make sure patient has this in their folder.
What is a patient information report/client friendly medication list?
These are plotted every 30 days, but ideally should be plotted every 2 weeks.
What are LVN supervisory visits?
Specific orders such as Foley orders, wound care orders, etc from previous episode
What orders to we want to make sure are in the recertification pathways?
We should discharge a patient if the patient no longer has this.
What is a skilled need?
You do this on the calendar when a wound vac has been discontinued.
What is write an order to decrease frequency?
MediCal and private insurance patients do not need these. (Check Authorization note to make sure)
Who does not need a NOMNC?
This is done within 2 weeks of admission if CM did not admit the patient.
When does the case manager see a new patient?
We should avoid doing a recert on this day.
What is the last day of the certification period?
This should be set up prior to discharge to ensure supplies are delivered.
What is an account with a supply/dme company?
This is what needs to be documented prior to discharge if the patient has continued wound care.
What is proof of return demonstration of wound care by caregiver/patient?
We never miss these visits without adding a new order.
What are discharges and recertification visits?