La Sambra
The small diffuse red dots on this patient's palate are indicative of?
What is Nicotine stomatitis.
2) The deeper red tissue on the facial aspect of the mandibular anterior region (arrow) is called?
What is alveolar mucosa.
What dental material was used to treat the caries observed in this patient's anterior teeth following restorative treatment?
What is multipurpose composite
What are the contributing factors to the patients increased risk for oral cancer?
What is alcohol use and smoking.
This patient exhibits each of the following that may indicate heavy alcohol use and alcohol withdrawal syndrome EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A. Hand tremors B. Rapid pulse C. Xerostomia D. Craving for antacids E. Swollen glands
What is D. Craving for antacids.
Painless, benign, bilateral parotid swellings frequently accompany chronic alcohol use. Reduced salivary output has allowed this patient's dental caries to spread between adjacent teeth.
What is the first statement is true , the second is false.
The reddening of the tip of this patient's tongue and the burning sensation is most likely the result of
What is folic acid deficiency.
The radiolucency observed at the apex of the mandibular left lateral incisor (arrow) is most likely
What is a periapical abscess
From the following list select the three teeth that do NOT exhibit caries at the initial appointment. A. Maxillary right canine B. Maxillary right lateral incisor C. Maxillary right central incisor D. Maxillary left central incisor E. Maxillary left lateral incisor F. Maxillary left canine G. Mandibular left lateral incisor H. Mandibular left central incisor
What is Maxillary right canine, Maxillary left canine, Mandibular left lateral incisor
A non-alcohol preprocedural rinse is indicated because of this patient's alcohol use pattern.
What is both the statement and reason are true and related.
Which of the following can be added to this patient's diet to address his vitamin deficiency related to his burning tongue symptom? A. Sunlight exposure B. Liver meats C. Green vegetables D. Multiple vitamins E. Folate supplements
What is folate supplements.
Each of the following is a potential barrier to care planning for this patients EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A. Limited finances B. Ability to keep appointments and follow through with treatment C. Aerosols and allergens present in the facility D. Liver impairment and bleeding potential E. Emotional stability during appointments
What is aerosols and allergens present in the facility.
Which of the following is the leading cause of this patient's multiple carious lesions?
What is xerostomia.
Which of the following possible medical emergencies should be considered when treating this patient? A. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome B. Airway obstruction C. Adrenal crisis D. Anaphylaxis E. Asthma
What is alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
Which of the following is the most likely reason this patient has difficulty keeping his scheduled dental hygiene appointments? A. Lack of knowledge regarding the importance of oral health B. Embarrassment about the condition of his smile C. Negative dental experiences as a child D. Preoccupation with drinking E. Fear of being in pain
What is preoccupation with drinking.
When scaling the maxillary left posterior buccal aspects, the dental hygienist should refrain from fulcruming
What is on the maxillary left incisors.
Following the preliminary phase of periodontal procedure sequencing where periapical emergencies are treated, this patient will enter which of the following treatment phase? A. Phase I Nonsurgical Initial Therapy B. Phase II Surgical and Corrective Therapy C. Phase III Restorative Care D. Phase IV Maintenance Therapy
What is Phase I Nonsurgical Initial Therapy.
Which of the following self-care agents would be the best recommendation for this patient? A. Peridex (chlorhexidine) B. Viadent (sanguinarine) C. Original Listerine (essential oils) D. Scope Original Mint (cetylpyridinium chloride) E. Colgate Gel-Kam (stannous fluoride)
What is Colgate Gel-Kam (stannous fluoride).
Which of the following should be recommended for this patient? A. Tartar control dentifrice B. Flouride varnish C. Sealants D. Locally delivered antimicrobial therapy E. Antifungal palliative care for the tongue
What is fluoride varnish.
If stains are present on this patient's new anterior restorations at the next maintenance appointment, they can be removed with a(n)
What is rubber cup and polishing paste for composite material.
Which of the following should NOT be recommended for this patient? A. Flouride supplementation B. Reduced alcohol consumption C. Tobacco cessation program D. Tooth-whitening precedures E. Nutritional counseling
What is tooth-whitening procedures.
Which of the following should be this patient's first referral? A. Physician B. Dietician C. Endodontist D. Alcoholism recovery group E. Smoking cessation classes
What is Physician.
Because alcohol use can affect oral condition and impact oral hygiene treatment, this patient's health history should be followed up with each of the following questions EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? A. "When was your last drink?" B. "How often do you drink?" C. "How much do you drink?" D. "What types of alcohol do you consume?" E. "What is your pattern of alcohol consumption?"
What is "What types of alcohol do you consume?"
Which of the following is the most likely reason this patient did not have his anterior teeth restored with porcelain veneer crowns or full porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns?
What is The patient was willing to forego the best dental treatment to use his financial resources on other non-dental needs.
Although the patient has arrived for his dental appointment smelling of alcohol, his speech is not slurred and his gait is steady. Why did the dental hygienist decide to continue care?
What is This patient had decision making capabilities.