I am helping students with their job searches. it would be great to have a tool that helps to increase their law firm resources skills.
What is a career counselor
These law students will assist you in promoting casemap at your schools.
What are LA's
I am a 1L and this is where Case map will help me the most ?
What is brief or LRW class ?
This lexis representative is a former litigator and she will assist you with casemap training in your schools.
Who is Jackie Inserra ?
At the end of the year you will take the Disney cruise or the big trip.
What is the circle of excellence?
I give my students a couple of major writing assignments during the semester and I want to be able to see specificly where they are at in their research before they get to far along.
Who is the LRW
CASEMAP may be used to create an opportunity to reach a group or individual on campus that was difficult to reach in the past.
What is TRUE ?
I am a member of moot court and this is why I need casemap.
What is organization help with research and writing to help save me time?