What are the 3 main Acne bumps?
Whiteheads, Blackheads, Red bumpes(pimples)
Red peeling skin common when out in sun
Is bacteria always bad
No some bacteria are good for our bodies they help keep digestive system in working order and keep harmful bacteria from moving in. Some bacteria are used to make medication and vaccines
First step to washing your hands
HINT: tricky questions
Turn water on.
True or False Puberty can cause changes o your hair?
True your start growing hair in new places. And your hair on your scalp might get more oily.
What causes Acne?
Pores get clogged up with dead skin cells and germs
Tender blister that show up on the lips.
Cold sores
What are Viruses responsible for?
Minor sicknesses like cold or the flu, and very serious illness like smallpox or HIV/Aids
Second step
Get your hands wet with warm water.
True or False Puberty doesn't change your sweat glads?
False they make your sweat glands that you have always had more active.
What can cause Acne to become worse?
Puberty, Stress, Touching your face, Popping pimples
itching, redness, and cracked skin on the feet and in between the toes.
Athletes Foot
True or False Bacteria is a single celled organism.
How long should I scrub my hands with soap?
20 seconds making sure you get between your fingers and your thumb. Don't forget your wrist
How long should you brush your teeth for?
2-3mins Make sure your brushing your tongue
How should you wash your face to help with acne?
Wash your face gently once or twice daily, Dont scrub your face you can make it worse by irritating it. After exercise be sure to wash the sweat off your face.
Red itchy and dry skin is also know as what?
Gets it nutrition from plants, food and animals in damp warm environments.
When should you turn the sink off?
After your dried your hands from finger tips to wrist. Use clean napkin to turn the sink off.
True or false? What I eat does not effect my teeth?
False, eating alot of sugar can decay your teeth.
What do pores contain
Oil glands that make seebum
rash with itchy, scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp.
One celled organisms like bacteria, but their bigger than bacteria and contain a nucleus and other cell structures. Making them more like animal cells and plant.
Love moisture area usually causing intestinal infections.
When should you wash your hands?
Double or nothing if you get all 8
1.Before eating/cooking 2.After bathroom 3. After cleaning 4. after touching pets and animals 5.before and after visiting or taking care of sick people 6. After blowing your nose/sneezing/coughing 7.After being outside 8.After handling mail.
What is a cavity?
permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes