Summary/Main Idea
This is a word that means the same thing.
What is a synonym?
There are only 2 or 3 of these in your answer.
What is sentences?
These are 3 characteristics of non-fiction writing.
What are sub-titles, charts, graphs, photographs, captions, table of contents, glossary?
These are the words that mean to make sure to use information from the text and your own ideas to explain your thinking.
What is use information from the text and your own ideas to explain your thinking?
This is the strategy for answering multiple choice questions.
What is cross out the answers that don't make sense.
This is why quotation marks (") are used in this sentence: "I don't know what you are doing," scolded Miss York.
What is to indicate dialogue (that someone is talking)?
These are the 2 parts of the Main Idea answer.
What are the message and an example from the text?
This is a synonym for the word characteristics.
What is things/something?
These are how many sentences should be in an "Explain your thinking" type question.
What is 5-6?
These are 3 things you need to take a written test.
What are a pencil, eraser, and highlighter/marker?
This is a piece of punctuation that separates different ideas in sentences.
What is a comma?
This is another way to say Main Idea.
What is the author's message? What is the purpose of the text? What does the author want me to remember?
These are 3 characteristics of a narrative.
What are setting, characters, problem, solution?
This is how the answer to this question would begin: Some people say that Bolton C. Falby is the best place to get an education for the future. Use information from the text and your own ideas to explain your thinking.
What is Bolton C. Falby is the best place to get an education for the future for three reasons...
This is what you need to use to start every answer to any question.
What are words from the question?
This is why the apostrophe (') is used in this sentence: "I don't know what you are doing," scolded Miss York.
What is to replace a missing letter (contraction)?
This is the way you begin your summary of a story.
What is "This narrative is about..."
This is the way to begin the answer to this question: "Miss York Rocks" is a narrative. List 3 characteristics which show that this is narrative writing.
What is "Miss York Rocks" is a narrative because it has...?
This is a bad type of connection to make when you are explaining your own thinking.
What is a connection that tells about a random event, or something in the past that just connects to the surface events (I have a cat, she has a cat).
This is what to do if you don't understand a question.
What is skip it and go on, or look for words you understand in the question, or go back and read that part of the text?
This is why a semi-colon (;) is used in this sentence: Soon we are going to Medieval Times; the grade fours always get to go on great trips!
What is to join two ideas together?
These are the 5 main parts of a summary of a narrative.
What are characters, setting, problem, main events, solution (message)
These are 3 characteristics of grade fours.
What are wonderful, intelligent, spectatular, fantastic, athletic, perfect..
This is what type of connection to make to a question that asks you to explain your thinking.
What is a connection to the message of the text, or the author's purpose.
This is the most important thing to remember when writing the CASI.
What is take your time and try your best?