Breathing Techniques
You Can Do It

True or False:

Taking deep breaths will make people think you are upset



What animal represents aggressive communication?

Tiger, Lion


True or False: The only benefit of exercise is losing weight

False: Exercise has many benefits. 

1.It releases feel-good hormones that can improve mood and energy. 

2. It can reduce tension, stress, and metnal fatigue.

3. Exercise helps you sleep better

4. Exercise can improve your sense of control and coping ability

5. Exercise can distract you from negative thougths

6. Exercise can offer an opportunity to socialize and get social support


Give one example of a "tricky thought" or "stinkin' thinking"

1. Ignoring the Positive

2. All or Nothing Thinking

3. Overgeneralizing

4. Jumping to Conclusions (ex: Mind Reading, Fortune Telling)

5. Minimizing/Magnifying

6. Personalization

7. Blaming

8 The "Shoulds"

9. Feelings as Facts


Show me what angry sounds and looks like

Participant will embody anger using words or body language


Teach someone how to do the box breathing technique

Participant must demonstrate how to do the box breathing technique


What animal represents passive communication?

Sloth, Ostrich (can be others)
Demonstrate 2 stretches that help a person calm down and feel better.
Some examples:

1. Child's pose

2. Spinal twist (non seated or seated)

3. Happy Baby

4. Wide-legged forward fold with chest expansion

5. Chest opener

6. Rotational neck stretch

5. Pigeon Pose (seated or non seated)


You have been studying really hard for an upcoming math test and you feel like you did very well. The teacher returns the test and you got an 88% on the test. You tell yourself- I should have tried harder, I am stupid. Which tricky thought(s) are you making?

1. Shoulds

2 Personalization

3. Magnifying


True or False: There are bad and good emotions

False: Terms like "bad" and "good" are examples of tricky thoughts (black and white thinking; absolutes). Feelings are not facts- feelings are indicators not dictators. Some feelings are more uncomfortable than others but each feeling has a purpose


True or False:

Belly breathing is when you breathe in by collapsing your belly and breathing out by pushing out your belly



Name 3 things that assertive communication looks or sounds like

1. Making good eye contact

2. Being calm and confident

3. Respecting yourself while respecting others too

4. Being honest

5. Listening

6. Using "I statements"


Teach everyone how to use positive imagery to help them cope with uncomfortable emotions, thoughts, or experiences

1. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down

2. Take a few breaths to help you relax

2. Picture a place that is calm and peaceful

4. Add some detail to the scene (What does it sound like? What do you feel? What do you see? What do you smell? What do you taste?)

6. Think of a return cue


You have been studying really hard for an upcoming math test and you feel like you did very well. The teacher returns the test and you got an 88% on the test. 

How can you challenge your tricky thought and replace it with a different thought

Participant will challenge the thought by "checking the facts" and replace it with a more positive thought


Anger is a secondary emotion. What is one of the 2 primary emotions that lead to anger?

1. Fear

2. Sadness


Demonstate how to do 4-7-8 breathing

Participant should demonstrate how to do the technique


Your friend, Georgina, comes to you at lunch and tells you that a girl name Sally has been saying mean things about you to in science class. Georgina says that Sally told everyone that she wants to fight you after school. How do you use assertive communication to handle this situation.

Participant will use assertive communication skills to help navigate this situation and advocate for safety.


Guide the other participants through the Head Shoulders Knees and Toes exercise (progressive muscle relaxation)

Participant will guide the other participants through the exercise using the following parts (head, eyes, cheecks/jaw, shoulders/neck, arms, chest, belly, legs, calves, feet/toes)


Connect the timeline....

Trigger: I got into an argument with a friend

Thought: I don't need friends anyway- I don't deserve to have friends-I will just be alone

Name the feeling, body sensation, behavior, and consequence(s) of the timeline

Feeling: Sad,hurt

Body Sensations: Clenched fists, tight chest, numb, flushed face, ect..

Behavior: not going to school, staying in room playing video games, yelling at my parents

Consequences: Failing school, legal consequences for truancy, lonliness/more depression, suicidal, grounded, isolation, etc...

Describe how sadness feels for you in your body

1. Aches and pains

2. Fatigue/lack of energy

3. Feeling heavy or weighed down

4. Too hungry/not hungry at all

5. Too much sleep/not enough sleep

6. Can't remember things

7. Numbness


What is alternale nostril breathing and how do you do it?

1. Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight

2. Close your right nostril with your thumb

3. Inhale slowly throough your left nostril

4. Close your left nostril with your ring finger

5. Exhale slowly throughyour right nostril

6. Repeat steps 2-5, alternating nostrils with each breath


Give 3 different benefits of using assertive communication

Participant will name 3 benefits of using assertive communication


Demonstrate how to use the "I notice" or "observe and describe" game to calm down.

1. Observe using the 5 senses using "I notice"

2. Describe using by sticking to the facts with NO JUDGMENTS or assumptions. (I saw a red car vs. that car is ugly)


What could you have done differently for thoughts, feelings, body sensations, behaviors?

Trigger: I got into an argument with a friend

Thought: I don't need friends anyway- I don't deserve to have friends-I will just be alone

Thoughts: reminded myself that this relationship is important to me, understanding that conflict is normal and crisis=opportunity for growth and positive change;ect...

Feeling: I can write in my journal, listened to songs that make me happy, talked to my parents about my feelings

Body Sensations: squeeze and released my fists, take a cold/hot shower, breathing techniques, etc

Behavior: use assertive communication to help communication my feelings to my friend


What are the 5 stages on the path of grief/loss?

1. Denial

2. Anger.

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance