Pretzel product warmer holding time
What is one hour?
FIFO abbreviation
The number of POS tills in the building
What is 6?
What is green for butter, blue for counters/general use, yellow for theatre cleans/recliners, and red for unsanitary?
The age that senior pricing begins
What is 65?
Product that is automatically included in a deluxe nacho
What is guacamole?
The thing you should always ask guests when working till
What is asking for loyalty?
The number of 122 seat auditoriums
What is 3?
The minimum number of theatre checks that should be completed during a movie
What is 4 (once during pre-show, once during trailers, twice during the film)?
What is every 30 minutes?
The screens that can play in 3D format
What is screen 1, 2 and 3?
The pretzel product that has salt on it before going through the oven
What is a pretzel dog?
HFCS abbreviation
What is "high fructose corn syrup"?
The number of menu screens in the lobby
What is 10?
The days that the ice cream machine is scheduled to be cleaned
What is Monday and Thursday?
Difference between R and 18A movies
What is R means only guests 18 or older, and 18A means accompanied by someone 18 or older?
Number of pepperoni pieces on a pepperoni pizza
The number of characters in the movie scenes displayed on the wall in the lobby
What is 5?
The last step of cleaning the freestyle machines at the end of the night
What is dumping a full bucket of hot Sani stuff down each machine?
Features of the Laser Ultra experience
What is 4K laser projection (sharp, vibrant colours, high contrast), Dolby Atmos sound (360 immersive sound), large format screen, and luxury recliner seating?
Fluid ounces of popcorn oil in one batch of popcorn
What is 20floz?
The number of BIB's we have hooked up for daily operation (not including NNS)
What is 19?
The number of windows in the lobby
What is 70?
The part in cleaning a theatre that is most commonly forgotten
What is wiping the recliners from the top row to the bottom row?
What is radioing that the theatre clean was completed?
The movie that brought in the most people (at Tamarack) in 2024
What is Inside Out 2?