Castle Life
Defending a Castle
Be Thou a Knight
BONUS: Religion

The main purpose of a castle.

What was defense.


What castle defenders did when an attack was expected. (There are 3 things.)

Raise the drawbridge, close the gates, and station archers on the towers.


Name for a 7-year-old sent to train to be a knight in a nobleman's house.

What was a page.


Displayed on a knight's shield, tunic, and the cloth covering of his horse.

What was the coat of arms.


Responsible for defending the church.

Who were knights.


The reason for constant warfare and need to build fortified homes in western and central Europe.

The death of King Charlemagne in 814 AD and division of his kingdom among his sons and grandsons.


The main tactic used by castle invaders.

What was surround the castle for a few months until food and water ran out inside the castle.


Person responsible for the following: (1)learning how to handle weaponry, fight, care for his lord's armor, (2)dressing the knight and waiting on him all day, and (3)serving the knight, his family and guests at meals.

Who was a squire.


The reason heraldry had a strict rule of using only 2 colors, a light and a dark color.

To let knight's identify enemies from a distance.

Architectural style used by churches in the 11th and 12th centuries.

What was Romanesque "like Roman."


How stone castles were described. (Name at least 3.)

Damp, dark, cold and musty.


A siege weapon used to pound, punch or shake down castle gates, doors and walls.

What was a battering ram.


Pell training helped knight master the use of what weapon.

What was the sword. Also used to practice with axes, hammers, and spears.


Additional symbols added to the father's coat of arms by his sons to identify their birth order.

Marks of difference.


Religious journeys Christians in the Middle Ages took to holy places with shrines to view relics.

What were pilgrimages.


Things done to decorate castles. (Name 3.)

Hanging tapestries on walls, placing flowers inside, whitewashing exterior with lime, displaying heraldry and bright flags outside.


The most dangerous way to attack a castle.

What was climbing over castle walls.


Another name for a tournament where knights showed off their skills.

What was a melees.


Employed by the king to supervise the selection of symbols on a coat of arms, announcing arrival of knights at a tournament, and identifying knights killed in battle.

Who was the herald.


How long it took to build large gothic cathedrals.

Sometimes more than a century, 100 years.


The type of bird a noblewoman hunted with.

What was a hawk.

Why castle towers changed to round tower walls instead of square.

Squared corners on towers could be easily attacked with catapults and battering rams.


How much a knight's full suit-of-armor weighed (including the mail and steel plates).

What was 44 to 55 pounds.


Mark of difference displayed on the eldest son's coat of arms.

What was a strap across the shoulders.


Reason gothic cathedrals were designed with large stained-glass windows, statues and carvings, and gargoyles.

For people to experience a heavenly, serene atmosphere, and to be reminded of heaven and hell.