Program Facts
Career Steps

True or False: All of the mentors who participate in CATALYST are OSU alumni

What is false? 


Mentorship is important because... 

What is "Successful people do not reach their goals alone, and asking for guidance and help is critical to learning and growth ". Also accepting...

  • Having access to impartial advice and encouragement
  • Developing a supportive relationship
  • Getting assistance with problem solving
  • Improving self-confidence
  • Encourages reflection
  • Opportunities for professional development

True or False: Leadership requires others

True: That doesn't mean they need to be direct reports though! 


True or False: There are a variety of technologies we learned about through this program that can help with future career development. 

True: Canva webpages, LinkedIn, VIA personal strengths, Zoom, Harvard Implicit Biases, Pursual, Focus 2, Excel


Your CATALYST coordinator's favorite fruit

What are strawberries? 


True or False: CATALYST is a mentorship program for leadership development.

True: check out the website :) 


The recommended first step in communicating with a new mentor in CATALYST is.. 

What is "An email is recommended as a first step. In your introduction, you will want to tell them about yourself, your major, your career interests, and why you hope to work with them based on their profile information."?

The difference between armored and daring leadership is that...
What is " armored leadership involves leading from hurt, daring leadership involves leading from heart" (will take other answers)

Professionalism is... 

What is "the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person;" and it defines a profession as "a calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation." (will take something similar) 


The number of students who participated in CATALYST mentoring this year (+/- 5).

How many is 50 students? 

The 3 sections of CATALYST offered each term are (don't need exact name, do need to get all three for points). 

What is Corvallis campus, Ecampus, and Non-credit? 


True or False: Active Listening is being sure the person knows you are listening by making sure to actively move about when they are speaking to you.

False: Active listening is a time to pay close attention to your non-verbal cues and communication. Moving about can actually create less active listening.


The 6 empathy misses covered in "Dare to Lead" are...(50 points for each one correct) 

What are Empathy Misses?
• Sympathy vs. Empathy
• The Gasp and Awe
• The Mighty Fall
• The Block and Tackle
• The Boots and Shovel
• If You Think That’s Bad…


The 4 steps of career management are (75 points for each one correct) 

What is networking, life-long learning, career exploration, and self-awareness/reflection?


True or False: All mentors who participate in CATALYST work & live within the United States

False: We have mentors this year who work in the Carribean 


The number of years your current CATALYST Coordinator has been running this program. 

How many is 2 years? 


The acronym SMART in SMART goals stands for...(must get all letters to recieve the points) 

What is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based? 

The difference between Servant and Authentic Leadership styles is...

What is "servant focuses assuming a subordinate role to understand more the needs of others, while authentic focuses on building a leader's legitimacy through honest relationships" (will take something similar here) 


Networking is important because... 

What is, helps you discover and affirm information within your field of interest (willing to take other answers here)? 


True or False: This was the first year using CANVA webpages for online portfolio

True: in the past we used google sites before OSU switched to Office 365


This is the number of years that CATALYST has been run.

How many is 7 years? 


How many total mentoring meetings were required as a part of this program? 

What is 8 meetings? (despite being a 9-month program)


The name of the module in week 3 of winter term (I'll take a similar idea). 

What is "Leadership skills and working with others"? 


The 8 NACE competencies are...(no partial credit, all or nothing)

Professionalism & Work Ethic, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Communication, Leadership, Teamwork, Digital Technology, Career Management, Equity & Inclusion


The benefits of mentorship for the mentor are...

What is "you’ll influence the success of young professionals, share your insights and turn learners into leaders." (will take other answers here)