Name That Theme
Holden Caulfield

This theme was shown while Holden was talking to Sunny. To put it another way, this was how he felt. Look at the very beginning of Chapter 14 (page 98) for reference.

What is depression?


Holden likes this place because it seems as though time is frozen.

What is a museum?


What did Holden buy for Phoebe at Central Park that he later dropped?

A record


Holden's brother that lives in Hollywood and writes scripts.

Who is D.B.?


Holden constantly uses this term to refer to people who don't seem to stay like themselves or act fake around other people.

What is a phony?


When Holden says, "Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody," This mindset that causes Holden to stay away from people shows this recurring theme.

What is loneliness?


This belonged to one of Holden's younger siblings. It represents both Holden's interest in literature and his desire to keep children innocent. 

What is Allie's Baseball Glove?


What did Holden write about for Stradlater's journal?

Allie's baseball glove


Holden refers to this teenager as a "secret slob," meaning that he cleans himself when he needs to, but he is dirty otherwise.

Who is Stradlater?


When Phoebe tells Holden to name one thing that he likes, this is the only thing that came to his mind.

Who is Allie?


This theme is the reason why Holden wants to protect the innocence of children. It is why he doesn't want to become an adult. He doesn't like adults because he thinks of almost all of them as this.

What is calling somebody a phony?


Holden tends to put this on when he feels confident. He takes this off when he feels insecure.

What is the Red Hunting Hat?


When did Holden exclaim, "Sleep tight morons!"

During his exit from Pencey


A man who is said to be terrific at the piano, however, Holden claims that he isn't that good. The restaurant he plays in is named after himself.

Who is Ernie?


The expensive chain around Holden's neck that was used in the Minecraft presentation showed this characteristic about himself and his family. Keep in mind that he attended an expensive private school 

What is wealthy?


When Holden struggles to choose a place to throw the snowball he has created (Begins on second paragraph of page 36), it shows this theme. This theme can also be shown by Holden's constant thinking of Allie.

What is Holden's inability to take action/leave painful moments in the past


After questioning what happens to these things over time, it seems as though Holden is curious about these things because their change in season represents a change from childhood to adulthood.

What are the ducks in the pond?


What was Holden's heated discussion with his taxi driver about?

The ducks in the pond


The man who forced Holden to pay an extra $5 for his prostitute.

Who is Maurice?


This is the one class Holden didn't flunk on his report card.

What is English?


This is arguably the most important theme in the book. It is shown by Holden's explanation of "The Catcher In The Rye," his interest in how a museum stays the same over time, and his sensitivity towards cursing around children.

What is the protection of innocence in children?


When Holden mentions this thought to Phoebe, it shows his desire to protect the innocence of children

What is the Catcher in the Rye?


Why did Holden leave Mr. Antolini's house?

He was stroking Holden's forehead as he slept


This is the girl who grew up near Holden that Stradlater took on a date during the beginning of the story. Holden still seems to have feelings for her.

Who is Jane Gallagher?


This physical trait that Holden possesses is a reason why he believes that he can get away with lying about his age to make him seem older.

What is the patch of gray hair on his head?