What is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods
Holden is laying in bed smoking a cigarette when he gets interrupted by this noise
What is a knock on the door
Holden kills time here before his date
What is Central Station
These two characters show up at Holden's hotel room in the middle of the night
What is Sunny and Maurice
What is a talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during a church service and based on a passage from the Bible
This is the reason Sunny comes back to Holden's room
What is to get 5 more dollars from him
Holden rants about people owning this item
What is cheap suitcases
This character steals money from Holden's wallet
What is Sunny
What is a person who spends money in an extravagant, irresponsible way
Holden begins to call Maurice names and in reaction, Maurice does this
What is he hits Holden
Holden gives two nuns at breakfast this
What is ten dollars
Holden takes this character on a date
What is Sally Hayes
What is the most intense part or period of something
Holden daydreams about doing this to Maurice
What is shooting him six times
While talking with the two nuns, Holden worries they will ask him this
What is if he is Catholic
Holden daydreams about this character bandaging up his wounds
What is Jane
What is of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes
Holden begins to pray to Jesus even though he claims he is this
What is an atheist
Holden is hungry at the hotel but refuses to order room service for this reason
What is he is scared they will send it up with Maurice
This character is a corporation lawyer and is quite wealthy
What is Mr. Caulfield