What is to leave or be dismissed from school or college as a result of failing to reach the required standard
This is the one class Holden is not failing
What is English
This is where Holden lives at Pencey
What is the Ossenburger Memorial Wing
This character claims they are illiterate but reads many books
What is Holden
What is happening in the opposite way to what is expected, causing amusement
Old Spencer reads this to Holden when he visits
What is Holden's note at the bottom of his essay
Holden finds this characteristic of his neighbor gross
What is not brushing his teeth/poor hygiene
This character lives in the dorm room next to Holden, they are a senior at Pencey
What is Ackley
What is too many to be counted
This is the reason Holden left his last school Elkton Hills
What is there were too many phonies
Holden appreciates this about his roommate
What is his generosity/always giving his things away
This is Holden's roommate at Pencey
What is Stradlater
Shooting the bull
What is slang for non-important conversation
Old Spencer repeatedly compares life to this
What is a game
This is the book Holden is reading at the beginning of the Chapter
This is Holden's favorite author
What is his brother D.B
What is an uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear
Holden uses this excuse to leave the conversation with Old Spencer
What is he needs to grab equipment from the gym
This is the piece of clothing Holden is wearing in his room
What is a red hunting hat
This Pencey graduate has their own funeral home business