Theme/Big Ideas

Who says, “He means there’s only one future, if I want to keep those I love alive and stay alive myself. I’ll have to marry Peeta.”



Who shows up at Katniss' house unexpectedly and threatens Katniss' family and friends?

President Snow


President Snow announces a 75th-anniversary Hunger Games, forcing Katniss, Peeta and other victors to fight. What are these Games called?

The Quarter Quell


Gale getting whipped by Thread for hunting wild game is an example of internal/external conflict.



Who helps care for the sick in District 12 and tends to Gale's wounds?

Katniss' mother


From whose point of view is Catching Fire told?



How does Gale initially respond to Katniss' idea to run away?

He is overjoyed and tells Katniss he loves her.  He gets mad later when he figures out that she wants to include Peeta and Haymitch in their escape.


What are Katniss and Peeta forced to do to appease President Snow and keep their families safe?

Get engaged


Katniss experiences internal conflict when combatting her feelings for ____________ and ______________.

Peeta and Gale


Which of the following is NOT a proper noun?

A. Katniss

B. Peeta

C. District 12

D. peacekeeper

D. peacekeeper


What NEW character trait do we see in President Snow when he visits Katniss in District 12?



What does the card reveal about the upcoming Quarter Quell?

All tributes will be taken from the existing pool of victors.


Where are Bonnie and Twill going?  Why is Katniss concerned about this?

District 13; she thinks it has been destroyed


In the arena and in her district, what is Katniss' biggest physical strength?

(Hint: it helps her provide food, and protect herself against other tributes)

Bow and arrow


What are the adjectives in the below sentence?

Katniss feels shocked and terrified after receiving the devastating news that she will be returning to the Hunger Games.

shocked, terrified, devastating


Describe Katniss and Peeta's relationship at the beginning of the novel.  How has it changed by chapter 12?

Katniss and Peeta have avoided each other since the end of the games, and their relationship is very awkward.  As they progress throughout the Victory Tour and as rebellion in the districts begin to ignite, they become closer and begin to genuinely love and trust each other.


How does Katniss injure her tailbone and foot?

When she is trying to return through the District 12 fence, she realizes the electricity is turned on.  She is forced to climb a tree to go over the fence, and then she falls about 20 feet.


What is the significance of the mockingjay symbol in relation to the theme of rebellion?

It symbolizes hope and defiance.


What is the MAIN conflict in Catching Fire?

The districts are rising up against the government


What is the setting of Catching Fire at the beginning of the novel?

Winter, 6 months after Katniss and Peeta win the games


What is the name of the new game maker?

Plutarch Heavensbee


How does Katniss know that the districts are beginning to revolt against the capitol?

She sees the first act of rebellion from the man who whistles the mockingjay tune in Rue's district.  Then, she meets Bonnie and Twill who tell her about the uprising in District 8.  In chapter 12, Katniss finds out that the Capitol is experiencing a shortage of sea food which leads her to believe that District 3 has also revolted.  Between the information she is able to gather from her stylist and from Haymitch, Katniss is able to conclude that almost half of the districts have likely revolted. 

Which of the following is NOT a symbol of rebellion?

A. The mockingjay pin

B. The poison berries

C. The peacemakers' uniforms

D. The cracker

C. The peacemakers' uniforms


How does Peeta react when Gale is being whipped?  Why is this ironic (unexpected)?

He becomes very protective of Gale and steps in front of him.  This is ironic because he and Gale do not like each other view each other as competition for Katniss' heart.


What unique object does Plutarch Heavenbee have?

A watch with a disappearing mockingjay