District 12
The Capitol
Haymitch has this item with him every night when he sleeps
What is a knife
What does Peeta do to try and make up for Rue's and Thresh's families?
What is give the families each one month of Katniss' and Peeta's winnings for the rest of Katniss' and Peeta's lives.
In the beginning of Catching Fire, Katniss now meets Gale on this day of the week
What is Sunday
What did Katniss realize when she's about to board the hovercraft to enter the Games
What is she didn't say good-bye to Portia
Why would the mockingjay symbol be put on bread?
What is it could be eaten and its cheaper to make than jewelry
What is the first gift Katniss receives in the arena?
What is a spile
Explain what Ms. Everdeen refers to when she asks "its starting again" when she tends to Gale after he is whipped
What is there was a time before Cray when the Head Peacekeeper used to the whip freely in District 12
What are the names of Gale's crewmates?
What is Bristel and Thom
What kind of fabric that Katniss says Cinna is skillful at using; she says this to Johanna in the elevator to enter training
What is velvet
What does Peeta do in his presentation and what does it symbolize?
What is tell that Katniss and Peeta are married and Katniss is pregenet, symbolizes defience and manipulation
What does Gale have when he's being whipped and what is it supposed to mean?
What is a turkey, as proof that he was poaching and an excuse for whipping him
Explain what Katniss pleads Haymitch to do when the Quarter Quell is announced and her reasons saying so
What is save Peeta instead of Katniss in the Games because Katniss was saved before and now its Peeta's turn
Explain the alibi that Katniss comes up with when she comes back home from meeting Bonnie and Twill
What is went to see the Goat with completely inaccurate directions and banged her leg and tailbone on ice
Name Katniss' prep team and say each person's role
What is Cinna; stylist; Venia; eyes; Octavia; nails; Flavius; hair
Explain what Katniss does to get the attention of Gamemakers at her presentation and what it symbolizes
What is Katniss pretends to hang Secena Crane, symbolizes anger, hatred, and defience toward the Capitol
Explain how Beetee planned to use the wire and for what purpose
What is use to conduct the electricity from the lighting tree to the seawater lake to kill the remaining Careers, otherwise to kill the animals in the water and deny the Careers a valuable food souce
Explain why Katniss upset about her wedding dress and what it means when she thinks "its so barbaric, the president turning m bridal gown into my shroud"
What is she has been forced to marry and with the wedding dress chosen by the president, while he wants Katniss dead
Explain Katniss' thoughts on how she might have been if not for Peeta and Gale
What is Peeta wouldn't have survived, Gale might not have kissed her and Katniss might have kissed him back, she would have felt the dread of the reaping for her children, Katniss may not have had opened up to Gale with the food, money, and illusion of safety of being a victor
Explain why Katniss need to marry Peeta
What is Katniss' relationship to Peeta will be revisited again and again to confirm they're in love, not defiant of the Capitol, not supporting a rebellion
Explain what the berries that Katniss in the arena represented and what they mean to Katniss
What is defience; someone of worth ;love; despicable but forgivable; cowardice; being despicable ;how valuable she is as a person
Describe Peeta's locket and how Peeta planned to use it
What is a gold disk with a mockingjay symbol and a catch that, when pressed, shows photos of Gale, Prim, and Ms. Everdeen, smiling and laughing; Peeta planned to use this as a way of presuading Katniss to save herself and leave himself to die
What does Cinna mean when he always channels his emotions into his work?
What is show his emotions and defience toward the Capitol in legal and inlfuencal way in which only he can be punished for
Explain how the District 12 square has been transformed after Thread is put in charge
What is a banner of the Panem seal hangs from the roof of the Justice Building, rooftops nest machine guns, there is a whipping post, several stockades and a gallows
How do people in the Capitol and eat meals and how does it reflects on Katniss
What is the Capitol eats then drinks to empty their stomaches to eat again, Katniss compares how in District 12 her mother prescribes food for her patients, something their families can't afford, whereas the Capitol eats then spits it out again just to continue eating
Explain why the mockingjay symbol has come to reresent Katniss
What is something whose survival wasnt intended by the Capitol, surviving despite everything the Capitol did to kill her, hunting her and harming her loved ones