When is the advent season?
Dec. 1-24th
Who is the only person born without original sin?
What is the name of the town Jesus was born in?
Stone- so they could never be changed
How often should we pray?
Who were the 3 men who visited Jesus when he was born?
(also acceptable- Magi or Kings)
Who is the son of God? Also known as our Savior.
What is the name of the town Jesus grew up in?
#5, Though shall not kill
What pray is said after making a confession?
Act of Contrition
What did the 3 men bring as gifts to the baby Jesus?
Gold, myrrh, and frankincense
King Herod
Where did Adam and Eve live?
Beautiful garden called Paradise
(aka: Garden of Eden)
Why do we follow the 10 commandments?
So we can get to heaven.
What is prayer?
Talking to God
What did the 3 men follow to find Jesus?
The North Star
Who are the three persons in God?
Son, and Holy Spirit
Where is communion kept during mass?
On the altar, in the tabernacle.
What commandment tells us not to curse or swear?
#2, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, our God in vain.
What prayers do you need to know in order to make your 1st communion?
Sign of the cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be, and Act of Contrition
What is advent?
A season of preparation/anticipation for the coming of our Lord.
What is the name of the place where Jesus died?
Mount Calvary
or Golgotha
(in Jerusalem)
What is the difference between a venial sin and a mortal sin?
Venial sin is a small sin.
Mortal sin is a grave sin committed intentionally.
What prayer summarizes our beliefs as Catholics?
The Nicene Creed or The Apostle's Creed