This is the definition of a soul.

What is a person's spiritual self?


This is the definition of Revelation.

What is "unveiling"? What is what God has told us about Himself and about His purpose for us (the Bible, miracles)?


This is the definition of faith.

What is believing without seeing?


This is the definition of reason.

What is: using our five senses, experimentation, observation, and logic to arrive at the truth?


This is the definition of the Trinity?

Who are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? All three are different forms of the same thing (God). Similar to the water example.


These are three examples of how we know about God by studying creation.

What are: 

  • the great power of the ocean shows God is powerful
  • beautiful aromas and colors of flowers show God must love beauty
  • all creatures reflect a bit of God’s greatness, beauty, and power

This is the Faith (with a capital F).

What are the body of truths that we believe as Catholics based on the Bible (Scripture) and Tradition that go back 5,000 years?


This is what it means to be made in the image of God.

What is: if he were on earth, he’d look like us (oh wait – he was, as Jesus!)?


These are the two ways we are different from creatures.

What are free will and souls?


This is why reason and faith must work together.

What is the fact that reason doesn't explain everything and faith doesn't explain everything about God?


These two dudes (one ancient and one medieval) proved God exists.

Who are Aristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas?


These are four examples of what the Bible tells us about God.

What are: 

  • He is everywhere as a spirit
  • He’s not limited to time and space
  • He knows everyone and everything
  • He knows all that ever was and all that will ever be

This is how God wants humans to treat the earth.

What are: using the earth for our well-being and being good stewards (not abusing the earth, not polluting)?


This is the definition of the mystery of Faith.

What is something beyond reason but not contrary to it?


This is the "First Mover" argument that proves God exists.

What are the dominos example and "Anything moved is moved by another. There cannot be an infinite series of movers. There must be a first mover"?


This is how God is love.

What are: 

  • God chose to create the universe and us even though He didn’t have to
  • He wanted to share His joy and love by creating human beings like Him, so we can experience it, too