Total number of bible readings happen during the mass.
What is 3 (First Reading, Second Reading, Gospel Reading)?
The bible is made up of these 2 books.
What is the Old Testament & the New Testament?
Total number of Sacraments.
What is 7?
What is the most important holiday in the Catholic faith?
What is Easter?
The meaning of "tri"
What is Three?
Name one of the two people who read the gospel reading during the mass.
What is a priest or deacon?
The Story of creation (Adam and Eve) is in this book (also the first book of the Bible).
What is Genesis?
This is the Sacrament are you currently preparing for.
What is Confirmation?
Number of days in Lent
What is 40?
Thou shall not _______ (want) your neighbor's goods.
What is covet?
The mass is also referred to as...
What is the Eucharist?
This is the last book of the Bible.
What is Revelations?
This is the first Sacrament that introduces you to the Catholic church.
What is Baptism?
Followers spread ashes on their forehead to signal their repentance to God on this day.
What is Ash Wednesday?
This makes up the Trinity.
What is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
This is the color a priest wears during ordinary time.
What is green?
This is another word for a parable which is used to teach lessons.
What is a story?
This is considered the is considered the most important sacrament of Catholic life. The ceremony consists of blessing and consuming bread and wine, which embody the blood and body of Christ.
What is Eucharist or Holy Communion?
This is the most important event that happened on Easter.
What is The Resurrection?
What does trespass mean?
What is sin?
These are the 4 sections of the mass (100 points for each correct section identified).
What is Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Concluding Rites?
It's the 2nd book of the Bible that contains the story of the Ten Commandments?
What is Exodus?
Name all the Sacraments (50 points for each correctly identified Sacrament)
What is Baptism, Eucharist or Holy Communion, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing the Sick, Holy Orders, Marriage
What are the 6 seasons that make up the liturgical year?
Advent, Christmas, Lent, Triduum, Easter, Ordinary Time (50 point for each correct answer)
Thou shall not commit _________ or cheat on your spouse.
What is adultery?