Tough Questions
Faith Facts
Catholic Practices
Living the Faith
The Church and the Sacraments

How do we know Jesus was God and not just a good teacher?

Jesus' teachings, miracles, fulfillment of prophecies, and His Resurrection testify to His divine nature. (CCC 423, 444, 651)


What is the Nicene Creed, and why is it important?

The Nicene Creed is a profession of faith summarizing key Christian beliefs, formulated at the Councils of Nicaea and Constantinople. (CCC 195, 197–198)


What is the significance of the Holy Mass?

The Mass is the re-presentation of Christ's sacrifice on Calvary and a participation in the heavenly liturgy. (CCC 1362–1364)


Why is helping the poor and needy important?

Serving others is a way to live out Jesus' teaching to love our neighbor and care for "the least of these." (Matthew 25:40; CCC 2443)


What is Confirmation?

Confirmation strengthens the grace of Baptism and seals the person with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (CCC 1285, 1316)


Why do Christians say Jesus is the only way to heaven?

Jesus is the unique mediator between God and humanity; through Him, salvation is offered to all. (CCC 432, 846)


What does the term “Catholic” mean?

"Catholic" means "universal," indicating the Church's mission to all people. (CCC 830)


Why do Catholics believe in the authority of the Pope?

The Pope is the successor of St. Peter, to whom Jesus gave the keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:18–19). (CCC 882)


What are some ways to grow in faith?

Regular prayer, reading Scripture, receiving the sacraments, and learning about the Church. (CCC 1435, 2650)


Why is the Eucharist the "source and summit" of Christian life?

The Eucharist is Christ Himself, uniting us with Him and the Church. (CCC 1324)


How can God forgive people who commit terrible crimes?

God's mercy is boundless; sincere repentance and conversion open the way to forgiveness, regardless of past sins. (CCC 982, 1439, 1847)


What is the difference between a mortal sin and a venial sin?

Mortal sin severs one's relationship with God, while venial sin damages but does not break it. (CCC 1854–1863)


Why do Catholics bless themselves with holy water?

Holy water reminds Catholics of their baptism and serves as a sacramental for spiritual protection. (CCC 1668)


Why is it important to forgive others?

Forgiveness reflects God's mercy and helps us find peace and healing. (CCC 2840, 2844)


What is the role of priests in the Church?

Priests act in the person of Christ to celebrate the sacraments, teach, and guide the faithful. (CCC 1548–1551)


If God knows everything, do we really have free will?

God's omniscience includes knowledge of our free choices; His knowing does not impede our freedom. (CCC 600, 1730–1731)


What is the purpose of baptism?

Baptism removes original sin, initiates one into the Church, and imparts sanctifying grace. (CCC 1213, 1262–1263)


Why do Catholics light candles in church?

Lighting candles is a symbol of prayer and represents Christ as the Light of the World. (CCC 1189)


How can we share our faith with others?

By living a good example, speaking about Jesus, and inviting others to church or prayer. (CCC 905)


What is the purpose of Matrimony?

Matrimony unites a man and a woman in a lifelong bond for mutual support and the raising of children in faith. (CCC 1601, 1652)


Why do Catholics worship Mary and the saints?

Catholics venerate (honor) Mary and the saints but worship God alone. The saints intercede for us, and Mary holds a special place as the Mother of God. (CCC 971, 2675, 2683)


Why do Catholics believe in transubstantiation?

Transubstantiation is the change of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ during the Eucharist, based on Jesus' words at the Last Supper. (CCC 1376, 1413)


Why do Catholics believe in the intercession of saints?

Saints are part of the Communion of Saints and pray for us as they are united with God in heaven. (CCC 956–957)


What is the purpose of the Ten Commandments?

They guide us to live in a way that pleases God and helps us love Him and others. (CCC 2055, 2067)


Why do Catholics celebrate Reconciliation?

Reconciliation forgives sins, reconciles us with God, and restores grace in our souls. (CCC 1446, 1468)